The chairman of Supreme Advertising Private Ltd, a company engaged in outdoor advertisements and improvement in sanitary services and Hancrafts Expo Designs private limited holding real state commercial properties in NCR is a gem of a person with commitment to socially and economically uplift the poor, hapless and needy segment of the society in Garhwal Uttarakhand in order to apply balm to their woes, pain and sufferings. An entrepreneur of repute earlier credited for successfully running Hythro Power Corporation, G. S. Rawat is a credible name as a reputed entrepreneur with an engineering background contributing and participating immensely in the social activities of Uttarakhand in his native place as well as in Delhi and NCR. There might be rich, affluent and established businessmen in abundance but personalities of eminence like GS Rawat are seldom found who part with a major part of their transparent earnings for the well being and socio economic upliftment of the poor, hapless and suffering people every year.

Mr. G. S. Rawat who has earned tremendous respect, name and fame for his thorough gentleness, philanthropy and service to the poor and needy in Uttarakhand and elsewhere today gives pension to over 250 families worth Rs 2000 each every month to the genuinely needy old aged women, men, widows and the disabled. He is credited for spending millions of rupees for the repairs and renovation of Jyundyalu Janta School, in Garhwal, Uttarakhand. In addition to this he had spend crores of rupees in the construction of a road to his village. Recently Mr. G. S. Rawat has donated Rs. 52 Lakhs for the repairs and beautification/ modernisation of a Kingodikhal School Building in Garhwal, Uttarakhand. In view of the non availability of three teachers in the above schools Mr. Rawat arranged three teachers of various, subjects and is giving their monthly salaries to ensure that the teaching work of the students is not affected. He also supplied good quality furnitures, chairs, steel almirahs and other materials to the offices and classrooms for the comfort and convenience of the students, teachers and the staff. Kudos.

श्री गजेंद्र रावत जी की सोच को दिल कि गहराइयों से प्रणाम, क्षेत्र में अमीर लोगों की कमी नहीं होगी किंतु अपने लिये और अपनों के लिए शायद काफ़ी लोग करते भी होंगें किंतु जिस सोच की वजह से
- क़रीब 250 ज़रूरतमन्द परिवारों को पेंशन (2000) रुपये प्रति माह कई वर्षों से लगातार दे रहे हैं
- ज्यूँदयाल्यू जनता स्कूल मरम्मत एवं सौंदर्यीकरण
- ग्राम काँखों रोड़ कार्य
- दिगोलिखाल मंदिर गेट और सौंदर्यीकरण
- और अब किंगोड़ीखाल स्कूल बिल्डिंग मरम्मत, सौंदर्यीकरण आदि (खर्च किए क़रीब 52 लाख रुपये)
- साथ में दोनों स्कूलों में जिस विषय के शिक्षक नहीं थे उस विषय के शिक्षक को स्वयं तनख़्वाह देते हैं (किंगोड़ी में 2 और ज्यूँदलयूँ में 1)
ये तो अपने क्षेत्र की बात है और ऐंसे कई कार्य जिनकी जानकारी मुझे नहीं उनके आशीर्वाद एवं सहयोग से पूरे होते हैं। ऐंसे क्षेत्र प्रेमी पहाड़ प्रेमी को दिल की गहराइयों से नमन-वंदन ईश्वर आपको स्वस्थ और लंबी आयु दे।