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Delhi news

Kejriwal warns Delhi voters, says : take everything from political parties but never vote for them as by bribing them they are selling the nation, democracy

The national convenor of AAP and former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has openly accused the Bhartiya Janata Party of allegedly distributing shoes, bedsheets, blankets , Sarees, even gold chains and Rs 1100 to the electorates of various constituencies of Delhi including threatening them to vote for them.

He cautioned the Delhi voters especially those hailing from the middle class and low echelons of the society to be cautious of these political parties and their corrupt leaders and practices who are massively distributing the money earned through corrupt practices to buy you and your vote and later on deceive you.

He categorically said that they ( electorates) should not hesitate to take this money and other items being giving to them as bribe but should at no cost sell themselves and their votes which amounts to selling the democracy and the nation.

He outrightly said that they may vote to any one, even not to him but should not vote to that party indicating towards BJP who are massively bribing the Delhi voters to influence them towards their parties under false promises and false pretexts.

Arvind Kejriwal has released a video addressing the Delhi electorates not to come under the influence of the BJP leaders who are using the money earned through corrupt practices and bribing them to buy their votes.

He said you take everything but never vote for them as this amounts to selling the democracy and the nation.

He even said that he has come to know that those who are giving them shoes, sarees, blankets, bedsheets , Rs 1100 etc are also threatening them with dire consequences for betraying them and are giving them promises in the name of God.

Kejriwal said take their money and other things being given to you but never vote for them as this will amount to selling democracy and the country. He said : those who bribe the voters are in true sense enemy of the nation who will never come to your rescue, fulfil your demands and resolve your grievances.

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