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Kedarnath visit of PM Modi extremely vital in view of the state elections round the corner

The prime minister Narendra Modi today reached Kedarnath shrine and inaugurated the Samadhi and statue of Aadi Shankaracharya at the historic temple vicinity which was fully damaged during the ecological disaster of June 2013.

After reaching Kedarnath Dham at 8 AM prime minister Modi visited the Kedar Temple, paid his obeisance and offered Aarti to Lord Shiva in front of his Shivling, there after inaugurating the Samadhi and statue of Adi Shankaracharya.

He was presented a JAPMAALA of Rudraksh by the priest who performed spiritual mantras while offering prayers with PM. PM Modi also did the ” parikrama “, of the pious temple. He was given a red carpet welcome.

The prime minister, when he was the chief minister of Gujarat during the massive deluge, that damaged the entire Kedardham except the temple due to a heavy boulder coming in front its back portion, had offered to renovate the temple site but his offer was turned down by the then chief minister of Uttarakhand, Vijay Bahuguna, who is now in BJP.

The statue of Aadi Shankaracharya is of 13 feet in height and 35 tons in weight. After inaugurating the Aadi Shankaracharya statue, who achieved salvation at the mere age of mere 32 years, PM Modi sat in front of the statue for few minutes and prayed in reverence to this great saint.

The prime minister also inaugurated several other renovation and developmental projects worth over Rs. 400 crores.

The prime minister said that when the temple surroundings were completely destroyed in 2013 it wasn’t ever thought that the Kedarnath Shrine vicinity will be so nicely resurrected but due to Baba’s blessings and our committed efforts the entire developmental works have been completed with immense uniqueness and outstanding calibre, nobody ever expected of.

Prime minister Narendra Modi said that on reaching Kedarnath Dham the outstanding feeling he inculcates in him due to Kedar Baba’s blessing can’t be expressed in words.

Kindly recall that the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami alongwith his ministers Dr. Harak Singh Rawat and Subodh Uniyal had visited Kedarnath shrine twice and after paying their obeisance inspected the various developmental projects prior to the PM’s visit.

During his last visit the exasperated Priests had raised go back slogans against him as well as the former CM Trivendra Singh Rawat for establishing the Devasthanam Board.

Moreover, in view of the elections likely to be held in the month of February in 2022 in Uttarakhand prime minister Narendra Modi’s Kedarnath visit holds tremendous significance especially when the ruling BJP is finding itself on the backfoot with Congress claiming to be the sure sort winner in this elections.

The Union home minister Amit Shah has, already commenced the BJP election campaign few days ago when he addressed a massive public meeting at Dehradun accusing the Congress party and fir firmer CM Harish Rawat for appeasing minorities by declaring Namaz holiday on Friday and giving impetus to few chosen liquor brands like Dennis etc during Harish Rawat’s tenure playing with people’s health with Rawat too responding stringently pledging to quit politics if the charge of Union home minister about issuing any gazette for holiday to minorities on Friday, in Uttarakhand by him, is proved by him n his party.

The door of ancient Kedarnath shrine will be closed for another six months from tomorrow.

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One Comment

  1. Speculations on PM’s visit to Kedarnath temple during the winter season after closing the doors of the same temple.

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