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Kar Bhala Ho Bhala Ant Bhale Ka Bhala says undeterred samaritan, actor Sonu Sood

The Dabang fame Bollywood actor Sonu Sood who had been quite active during critical Covid 19 times and still proactive in helping the poor, hapless and the needy people who come to his Mumbai residence daily and approach him via social media for help, has disclosed that two political parties in the past approached him and offered Rajya Sabha seats but he politely declined their offers, as presently he hasn’t formally taken any concrete decision to plunge in active politics. Sonu said while I respect politicians but I have not yet decided about joining politics at present.

Sonu Sood whose several offices in various states and Mumbai house was raided by the Income Tax department while talking to NDTV the other day said that he was treated very nicely by the Income Tax officers who’ve also appreciated the good work being done by him in terms of helping the needy, poor n hapless during and after Covid 19 lockdown.

He said the tax department officials are doing their duties and I am doing mine by submitting every document required by them.

Without blaming the government, any political party or leaders diplomatically, looking quite relaxed and in composure while answering every trivial question of NDTV, Sonu Sood unambiguously said that I don’t think or know that the IT raids on my various offices have been the result of my meeting with the Delhi CM few weeks ago who had made him the ambassador of Delhi govt’s children mentorship programme. However he added that I will made myself available in any state ruled by any party if I am invited with regard to any good work. Just call me and I will be there giving up my official engagements, shoots and sponsored programs said Sood. I consider it my blessings from Almighty to serve the needy, hapless and poor said Sonu Sood and think my parents might be watching these good deeds of mine from heaven.

Answering to several questions of NDTV Sonu Sood reiterated his determination and commitment to help the needy and hapless adding that no power on earth can stop him in this noble mission.

On his Instagram post completely undeterred by the income tax raids on his premises and various locations in different states of the country allegedly accusing him of tax evasion of Rs 20 crores Sonu Sood wrote : I have pledged myself to the service of the people of India, with all my strength and heart. Every rupee in my foundation is awaiting its turn to save a precious life and reach the needy.

In addition, on many occasions, I have encouraged brands to donate my endorsement fees for humanitarian causes too, which keeps us going. I have been busy attending few guests, hence was unable to be at your service, for the last four days. My journey continues with a hindi quote : kar bhala ho bhala, Ant bhale ka bhala wrote Sonu Sood in his Instagram post.

In another post while thanking his fans and followers Sonu Sood wrote that he is a law abiding citizens of my country, I was and I will, continue to follow all rules, regulations and laws of my country. I have full faith, respect and confidence towards the law, departments, and our authorities. I remain at people’s disposal as always to serve you all wrote the actor in his Instagram post acknowledging more than eight lakh likes and thousands of comments expressing solidarity with the actor.

Answering all the NDTV questions in fluent english looking completely composed, smilingly Sonu Sood said his mission to help the hapless will continue, and no one can deter him in his mission of ” Sewa”.

A samaritan actor Sood said that not a single rupee or ammount has been misused by him or his, foundation and they have all supporting evidences and perfect documentation in support of their transparency and integrity adding further that the amount donated by foreign countries stand intact in the relevant acounts not his or his foundation with complete transparency and relevant documents against the money used in medical treatments of the needy n hapless or in work pertaining to financial support etc.

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