Vociferous journalist Ashutosh Negi’s wife transferred to Pithoragarh in the name of fast approaching Lok Sabha elections. She is a junior assistant clerk !
If someone in service at a particular place at a lower post is transferred to a distant location while in government service is considered to be normal practice and under norms but if a woman is transferred to a distant location being on a lower post without any suitable or logical reason particularly when her husband is an outspoken journalist, a social activist fighting relentlessly to ensure justice for a 19 year old daughter of his village allegedly murdered by none other but the younger son of a state minister rank holder of the ruling political dispensation n his cohorts than it definitely sends a wrong message of the ruling party allegedly becoming vindictive to stop such voices of dissent or discourage them.
According to a Facebook post of another outspoken journalist Shiv Prasad Tiwari in Hindi : The date of Lok Sabha elections in India has not been decided yet. But the reference to the transfer of Ashutosh Negi’s wife Shweta Negi is due to the Lok Sabha elections? Will such transfers not raise questions? Shweta Negi is a junior assistant clerk. Is Shweta Negi an IAS, IPS SDM? Questions are being raised on the fate of a minor clerk by transfer. The code of conduct has not yet been imposed for the Lok Sabha elections. But the Secretary who transferred her erroneously referred to the Lok Sabha elections. SOUNDS surprising and shocking that Shweta Negi working as a junior assistant clerk in GAREEBI UNMULALAN KSHAMTA AND VIKAS AVON ROJGAAR PRAKOSHT , a mother of two studying minor daughters in Schools at Dehradun have been transferred all of a sudden from Dehradoon to Pithoragarh a distant location on the pretext of the coming Lok Sabha elections with immediate effect.
It may be recalled that Shweta Negi’s husband Ashutosh Negi had always been vociferous in media and in social circles always raising voice against injustice and corruption in order to expose the present ruling political dispensation of Uttarakhand on Ankita Bhandari murder case even filing an SLP in Supreme Court of India and demanding stringent punishment to the culprits as well as exposing the ruling administration for being apathetic and negligent to deliver justice to the bereaved family who’d lost their only daughter at the hands of the son of BJP leader father and son who was also a state level minister of OBC commission, asked to resign after people’s pressure, lateron.
Ashutosh Negi is also associated with the Uttarakhand Swabhiman organisation that played a significant role in organising a massive rally in Dehradun demanding the Concrete land act and 1950 basic residential certificate for Uttarakhand’s inhabitant. The rally was a huge success having shaken the pillar of the saffron party in Uttarakhand reveal police news analysts.
Apart from the harrasment of his wife by way of her sudden arbitrary transfer from Degrading to distant Pithoragarh, outspoken, vociferous journalist and fearless social activist Ashutosh Negi has been slapped with a case of SC ST on false and fictitious grounds just because he had exposed a scam of several crores of rupees being misused by a school ( intercollege) management also opposed by the minister concerned Satpal Maharaj that dealt with the illegal purchase of computers etc for schools and colleges apart from being incessantly raising his voice in late Ankita Bhandari case and also filing an SLP in Supreme Court through a leading supreme Court advocate usual fighting cases of human rights etc namely Collin Gonsalves demanding CBI probe.