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Jaspal Rana and Manu Bhaker were not in good terms says NRAI chief Raninder Singh

India was banking on outstanding performance of the “Shooters” in Tokyo Olympics but the cocking lever of the pistol of previous Gold champion in ISSF and in maiden Commonwealth Games Manu Baker going faulty in between her competition and not so good performance of other shooters have in fact raised several controversies with the NRAI chief Raninder Singh saying that the pistol shooters performance in Tokyo Olympics has so far is inexplicable, though was still hoping for their excellent performance.

Speaking to media in Tokyo the other day he very clearly say that Pistol coach and former Asian and Commonwealth Games champion Jaspal Rana and Manu Baker could not go along in Tokyo though he didn’t blame the former for not so good performance of the shooters.

He even went to the extent of disclosing that the families of both Jaspal Rana and Manu Baker could not go along amicably in Tokyo clearly indicating soured relationship between Jaspal Rana and Manu Baker as per the interview given to India Today TV in Tokyo.

Meanwhile according to the “Aaj Tak”, report, a hope of India in pistol shooting Manu Baker is on the 5 th position in 25 meter Tokyo Women Qualification competition, whereas another Indian shooter Rahi Sarnobat is on 25 th position.

According to the report Manu Baker scored 292 points at Asaka Shooting range competing with 44 shooters in the precision qualification round whereas the other India shooter Rahi Sarnobat could score only 287 points.

The qualification rapid round will take place on Friday. Whoever will qualify the rapid round on Friday will enter the final said the report. According to to Aaj Tak till now Zorana Arunovich of Serbia is on the top scoring 296 points whereas Ana Korakaki of Unan, Greece is in 2nd position scoring 294.

Outstanding Indian pistol shooter and three gold medal winner in various international competitions Manu Baker who is just 19 years old having brought laurels for the nation, Manu Baker scored 97 points initially followed by scoring eight times, ten points in third series n 9 points two times, collecting 98 points thus reaching on the top. In second series too, Manu Bhaker scoring ten points in last five targets staged a come back.

Winner of the Osijek World shooting championship Rahi Sarnobat commenced her first series of precision by scoring 96 n then 97 points.

In the last round she could score only 94 points n therefore came drastically came down.

According to Aaj Tak report Manu Bhaker has the last chance to make her mark in Tokyo Olympics air pistol shooting. She was unfortunately out of the Women pistol shooting competition because of her pistols cocking lever going out if order which rarely happens in international competitions.

The performance of the shooters have been quite unsatisfactory with the NRAI chief Raninder Singh already declaring in Tokyo to change the coaches in the near future. He even went to the extent of openly saying that the coaches were in not good terms with the athletes in the Tokyo Olympics.

Speaking to media NRAI chief Raninder Singh said that just one person who was the negative factor in the whole thing ( confusion n wrangling within the team) referring to junior team coach Jaspal Rana. Before the tour to Croatia (where the team moved in May)… (there was) a lot of internal wrangling in the pistol squad among coaches. That was addressed to all by me in person prior to the team leaving for Croatia,” he added , hours after the talented duo of Manu and Saurabh Chaudhary failed to notch up a medal in the 10 metre mixed team event.

Featured pic : The bridge

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