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Jagdish Mamgain’s book ” LAHOO SE LIKHI AZADI” Released by Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan

The Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan expressed his anguish that the families of freedom fighters who have sacrificed their precious lives during the free India movement and those who are alive today are unfortunately in bad shape leading difficult days not being noticed.

He added that unless India witnesses the true freedom and “India of their dream”, for which scores of freedom fighters and martyrs sought freedom from the cruel colonial rule of the British, I firmly believe that we will not acknowledge the actual freedom of their dreams.

The Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan was on Monday addressing the august gathering at the Press Club of India auditorium after releasing an impressive book of more than 500 pages authored by former Councillor, Delhi and MSC ( Mathemetics) qualified author who is also credited to have written several books on important subjects including on Urban Affairs. The book in Hindi is titled : LAHOO SE LIKHI AZADI”.

Prominent amongst those present on the dias and the book release function were well known journalists, president, Nationalist Journalists Association Ras Bihari, editor of Amar Ujala Daily, Vinod Agnihotri, president of Press Club of India and syndicated scribe Umakant Lakhera, president of Uttarakhand Journalists Forum Sunil Negi, Dev Singh Rawat, editor Pyara Uttarakhand, councillors Malti Verma, Renuka Gupta, Dharamvir Singh, Gulab Singh Rathore etc. The event was ably anchored by the former councillor and national spokesman of Aam Admi Party Harish Awasthi.

Speaking in detail on the 1857 revolution that commenced from Meerut against cruel colonial British rule pledging to seek freedom by all means, spreading nationally like wild fire, Kerala Governor termed it as the first impressive spark of total freedom struggle that dug deep roots of revolutionary movement at the pan India level, finally resulting in India’s freedom after 150 years from the cluthes of British imperialists.

Speaking at length on the healthy Indian culture and it’s true secular character Arif Mohammed Khan said that Indian culture is actually a culture of unity in diversity and it is this very culture of coordination and unity in diversity that ultimately moulds India into a strong n cohesive secular nation. Reiterating his commitment towards secularism, Kerala governor categorically emphasised that secularism is not an anti religion feeling which shouldn’t be construed as anti religion, it is rather symbol of unity and diversity making India, strong and cohesive he added.

He further said our enriched culture is the basis of our unity.

Speaking emphatically on Sanatan hindu culture, terming it as our ideals and ethics, Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan reiterated that Sanathan culture, its ideals, ethics and principles can never be irrelevant and will open the doors for foreign scholars coming to India to deeply study different cultures of the world. If we’ll strengthen our healthy traditions, it is obvious that India will emerge stronger and cohesive with a bright future.

Kerala governor Mohammed Arif Khan heartily congratulated the author of the book Jagdish Mamgain for bringing out a significant book of unsung heroes of freedom struggle who were never mentioned and talked about despite their Martyrdom for the nation in various nooks and corners of the country.

The book in Hindi is titled LAHOO SE LIKHI AZADI was released on the ocassion of completion of 75 years of India freedom.

The author of the book Jagdish Mamgain while graciously thanking the chief guest, Kerala governor Arif Mohammed Khan and other participants present at the book release function for their pivotal presence said that India is completing its glorious 75 years after seeking freedom from the cruel British rule on 15 th August and we extend our heartiest gratitude to our countless freedom fighters and revolutionaries for sacrificing their precious lives during their incessant struggle of two centuries of terror stricken British rule because of whom we are today celebrating the glorious freedom years of 75 years.

Expressing his anguish and serious concern over the negligence of freedom fighters and revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives for the nation n their bereaved families Jagdish Mamgain while giving the detailed acount of the protracted freedom struggle revealed that while few freedom fighters got prominence in Indian history, there were thousands of them who are never mention in the freedom struggle history thus putting them behind the scene whereas the graves of about 200 British officers who let loose their reign of terror are in India, as their find memories.

It was this pain of his that encouraged him to come out with the reference and detailed life sketch and incidents of their struggle and martyrdom to write a book on the unsung heroes of freedom struggle.

After his eight years of his incessant indepth research and writing the book titled LAHOO SE LIKHI AZADI is in front of you said Jagdish Mamgain.

Umakant Lakhera, (President of The Press Club Of India) lauded the contribution of Kerala Governer Arif Muhammad Khan and praised his thoughts as well.

He emphasized that people in active politics must be highly educated so that their visionary approach could bring benefit to the society and common man at large.

Lakhera quoted the saying that an educated women could change the fate of the entire family on the same footing as a well educated leader can change the destiny of the countrymen. He congratulated the author for bringing out such a splendid book highlighting the sacrifice of the unsung heroes of Indian Freedom Struggle.

The senior journalists Ras Bihari and Vinod Agnihotri also spoke on this ocassion shedding light on the pivotal contribution and martyrdom of our freedom fighters and praising the impressive work done by the author of the book Jagdish Mamgain.

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  1. स्वतन्त्रता सैनानियों के घर-परिवार के लोगों की सुध लेने ज़रूरी है।

  2. श्री जगदीश मंगाई द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “लहू से लिखी आज़ादी ” का विमोचन केरल सरकार के महामहिम गवर्नर श्री आरिफ मोहम्मद खान के कर-कमलों के द्वारा संपन्न हुआ. यह जानकर अत्यंत प्रसन्नता हुई. कि समारोह में जाने माने लेखक साहित्यकार पत्रकार और विद्वान लोग सम्मिलित हुए. मैं पुस्तक के लेखक श्री मंगाई जी को अपनी ओर से हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं देता हूं. 🎉

    प्रेम दत्त तिवाड़ी
    लेखक ” प्रवासी प्रधान ”
    This message was received in whatsapp for the above book, congratulating the author Jagdish Mamgain

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