Israel attack on Gaza Strip extensive, 1700 locations/ buildings completely destroyed. Extensive loss with more than 700 deaths on Palestinian and 900 on Israel sides with 2700 n 2300 injured respectively

The Israel Airforce has till now fired on 1700 locations in Palestine’s Gaza Strip (Patii ) where the damage has been extensive, beyond repair. Hundreds of buildings, are reported to have downsized and demolished after the incessant bombardment by the Israel Airforce. The Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already pledged to avenge the attacks of Hamas committed to finish it from the roots and forever. . He had immediately declared a war against Hamas and Palestine after the former fired thousands of rockets on Living Population in Israel and its gun totting terrorists killing 260 innocents in a musical fair without any provocation including taking with them several girls and men, now bargaining with the Israel authorities urging them to stop attacks on Palestine failing which they will start killing the captured Israel citizens. They had also allegedly raped and killed a Germany girl who had come to Israel to participate in a musical fair.

According to the latest reports pouring in and a video posted by the Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israel Airforce has extensively bombarded and fired rockets on Palestinian civilian population at Gaza patti as a result of which hundreds of dead bodies covered with white bedsheets are being collected by the Palestinians for the last rites. On the Palestinian side the damage and destruction has been extensive with casualties of men, women and children numbering 700 with 2300 injured with most of them grievously. About 1700 buildings have been extensively damaged in the aerial attacks by Israel.
On the Israel side there are 900 casualties with 2300 injured including kidnapping of 150 Israel citizens. The Indian prime minister Narendra Modi had already condemned the attack on Israel and supported them in this critical hour. The Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and acquainted him about the latest situation in his country, the human losses suffered and the attacks being inflicted in Palestinians etc . He also assured Mr. Modi that all the Indians in Israel are safe and the government is taking full care of them. There are about 150 Israel hostages with Hamas who are threatening to kill each hostage against every rocket attack on Palestine.
In his speech to the nation the Israel prime minister said that the Hamas started this and now we will end it. He said that they will have to repent in history for committing such a huge blunder. We will ensure that Gaza patti ( strip) becomes rid of these terrorists once for all.

All the above pictures have been grabbed from the video posted by Israel PM on X
TEN Nepalese CITIZENS HAVE BEEN KILLED IN THIS ATTACK BY HAMAS Terrorists while America lost eleven US citizens. The Israel claims to have killed about 1300 Hamas terrorists and damaged their equal number of locations. The most pious Yasin Masjid considered to be next to most pious Mecca has, also been damaged by Israel Airforce. America, India, European Union, United Kingdom, UAE etc have already extended their full moral and defence support with Pakistan, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Qatar, Sudan n Iran etc supporting the Hamas in their war against Israel.
Kindly recall that the conflict between the Palestinians and the Jews ( Israel citizens) is several hundred decades old and before Christ it was under the influence and captivation of the jews but later on the Muslims from the neighbouring countries started pouring in here and captured it from the Jews who settled elsewhere in the world settling in Western and European nations etc. The conflict therefore is very old with the UN after the World War asking Jews all over the world to come to Jerusalem, Israel and settle here permanently. This resulted in a conflict with the already settled population of Moslems etc which gradually turned into an armed struggle.
Since then there is tremendous confrontation between the Jews and Palestinians who have now confined up to Gaza Strip losing majority of their lands at the hands of Israel government ruled by jews which finally converted into a strong enmity and armed conflict with Palestinians, earlier PLO, its chief Yasser Arafat n its armed Lieutenants and Israel rulers not seeing each other, eye to eye. After the death of PLO chairman Yasser Arafat Hamas is the most dominant force and armed organisation in Palestine fighting for its autonomy and taking land from the Israel back. In the eyes of Israel they are the hard core terrorists and terror organisation which had in 7 October without any provocation fired thousands of tickets on the civilian population of Israel and literally shooting people enjoying the musical programme.
Israel today is dominated by 73.8% population of Jews and 1% population of Christians . There are 18% Muslims living un Israel. However, in Gaaza strip Palestine fifty lakh Muslims ate residing which is 100% population of Muslims. Israel which has just a population of 1 crore is surrounded by several Muslim Nations viz Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Jordon, Misr etc. There had been four wars between Israel and, Arab countries in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 but has come out victorious with flying colours. Today more than hundred nations are have expressed their solidarity with Israel including United Arab Emirates whereas the Muslim countries are with Palestine.