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Intl. Shooter Manu Bhaker’s pistol gets stuck due to it’s cocking lever becoming non functional in Tokyo Olympics

The winner of two gold medals in world ISSF shooting championships, bagging a gold medal in 2018 maiden Common Wealth Games at the age of mere 16 years , as well, Manu Bhaker’s pistol got stuck, as a result of which she could not reach the finals in 10 metres Air Pistol competition in Tokyo Olympics. A renowned shooter reportedly in number two position globally, Manu Bhaker’s air pistol got stuck when she commenced her match on 25 th July in Tokyo in 10 metre air pistol competition demoralising her thus not able to reach the final.

According to news reports when the pistol of Manu Bhaker became non functional she had to execute 44 shots in 55 minutes, but when she returned back after getting her pistol rectified she was left with only 34 minutes, losing 21 precious minutes. This led to the outstanding Indian gold medalist losing her sporting spiruts, highly demoralised.

Kindly recall that in the 10 minute Air Pistol Match comprises of 60 shots in the match time of 75 minutes. The damage to the cocking lever of her pistol is a rare development which has never happened earlier, especially in international competitions. After the damage to the cocking lever the pistol becomes non functional and as such Manu Bhaker was not able to operate it losing 21 precious minutes out of the 55 minutes time left. In addition to this , when the grip of the pistol was opened to rectify the damaged Cocking level, the pistol’s electric circuit house was also broken as it has become hot.

According to the report in 10 metres air pistol competition Switzerland Mori pistols are used. In order to give their clarification to safeguard themselves as well as their reputation, Mohini Competition Arms, the company manufacturing these pistols in their face book post wrote : We reached Tokyo on 22 nd July and reached the shooting range at 7.30. Manu has a spare gun with same setting as pistol 1. Now is 13 : 24 and I have not seen any of the Indian team there. Instead of taking the responsibility on them, referring to Indian coaches, the FB post says that they shift it in others.

However, the pistol going faulty are rare but says a news report that in 2019 in ISSF world Cup in Munich also she had confronted this problem but finally succeeded in making her place in Tokyo Olympics. However, Manu Bhaker being unlucky she still has two events to compete, one in – 10 metres air pistol doubles and 25 metres pistol event.

This grave mistake or malfunction of the pistol at prestigious international events like Olympics negatively affecting the performance of the shooters should be looked into thoroughly n responsibility fixed on the erring officials or companies supplying them.

A coach of international standing Pamol Smirnov who is the chief coach of Indian shooters at Tokyo Olympics while lauding the Indian shooters said to news agency PTI from Zareb that he has seen the Indian shooting over the years and is confident that they will definitely bring laurels for India by winning medals at the highest level, even gold.


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