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Instead of taking back the jobs of the cheaters in UKSSSC recruitment exams n penalising them, 5 examinations not under any suspicion cancelled affecting hundreds of job seekers say UKD !

The saffron party government of Uttarakhand is in real mess n a tight spot on the UKSSSC imbroglio especially after this recruitment and cheating scam being tremendously hyped in print n electronics media.

On the one hand while retail inflation had reached the 7 % high on high food prices in August and spending on health dipping to 3.2% of the GDP at the national level the Uttarakhand government and its chief minister is in jeopardy due to the ongoing massive UKSSSC scam in which about 36 culprits have been arrested by its STF with the state’s inhabitants n opposition political parties protesting on the streets vigorously.

As a result just two days ago the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami convened an important meeting of cabinet committee and in order to pacify and appease the angered youths of the state n the media took several unanimous decisions, the most important being cancellation of the five exams to be conducted by above commission and declaring that in future all these exams n recruitments would be conducted by State Public Service Commission.

About 700 posts of drivers, fishery inspectors, police constable n lower posts etc were affected by this decision.

Though the cabinet committee chaired by CM Pushkar Singh Dhami took this decision to create an impression that since UKSSSC has been blotted with corruption it would be pertinent to shift the responsibility of exams conduction n recruitment in future to Uttarakhand Public Service Commission.

As per the unanimous decision arrived at the Cabinet Committee meeting chaired by CM P. S. Dhami the following decision was taken among other decisions.

The Cabinet has cancelled five recruitment examinations of uttarakhand subordinate services selection commission, which is surrounded by paper leak controversy. Now these recruitments will be done by Uttarakhand Public Service Commission. In addition the responsibility of 18 new recruitments has also been entrusted to the Public Service Commission including cabinet’s approval to amend the regulations of the Public Service Commission in this regard. Further a decision was also arrived at to divide the recruitments of Subordinate Services Selection Commission into three categories.

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission has been given the responsibility of recruitment to a total of 7000 posts. Of these, there are 700 posts whose recruitment examination has been canceled. There are 5340 posts for which only advertisement has been published and 1187 are posts for which advertisement is to be published.

However, the opposition political parties see a trick behind this decision, terming it a very clever step to safeguard the wrongdoers in this scam and pacify the furious and disenchanted youths.

The national spokesman of Uttarakhand Kranti Dal Shiv Prasad Semwal has accused the state government for trying to safeguard the wrongdoers and harrassing n victimising those who had appeared in the exams for their possible recruitments n had performed well. He questioned : What was the need to cancel these five examinations of UKSSSC which had not come under any questioning. Why have these exams been cancelled he asked ? What about those appointees who had passed after cheating n paying lakhs of rupees. How can they be left unpunished? Semwal said instead of taking the jobs of these bribe givers n cheaters the government has preferred to cancel the five examinations of UKSSSC which were not under any question.

This is just a ploy to cover the previous crimes n blots of corruption as in previous UKSSSC appointment lakhs of Rupees had changed hands said Semwal. Those in power are afraid that the bus g fish may also be caught probably.

Questioning the state government UKD spokesperson Semwal asked how can there be two standards in investigations saying that while STF has arrested 36 culprits by now, the government has ordered just an internal vigilance commission against the guilty senior officers of UKSSSC fearing that if STF is, allowed to investigate them several heads of bureaucracy may also roll in and big fish involved in this scam may be caught.

He asked why is the CM afraid of recommending for the CBI probe of this scam ? If they have nothing to worry and are pious enough go for the CBI probe which is the unanimous demand of the students, youths and general masses of Uttarakhand he emphatically added.

It may be recalled that while the UKSSSC is being probed by vigilance department internally and STF has been given the external investigation in the scam.

The UKD spokesperson Semwal was airing his views in HNN debate the other day. He unambiguously said that fearing that STF may probably catch the big fish in this scam the internal enquiry against senior bureaucrats have been given to vigilance keeping STF out of their purview said UKD leader.

It may be recalled that the chairman of the commission Raju had resigned the day this scam was unearthed n the fmr secretary Santosh Badooni put under suspension during the vigilance probe for laxity, complacency and negligence enabling this massive scam take place.

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