Indian Youth Congress today did protest outside the residence of Union Minister Smriti Irani against the rising LPG cylinder prices across the country.

New Delhi, 06th July, 2022: Indian Youth Congress today protested outside the residence of Union Minister Smriti Irani against the rising LPG cylinder prices across the country. The silent protest was by way of fixing large hoardings out her resident and media centre including at several locations of Delhi to highlight the plights of the people after rise in the prices of domestic gas and other petro products and invite the attention of the Union Minister of Petroleum and chemicals Smriti Inrani. Inflation continues on the kitchen, once again as the prices of LPG cylinders have been increased drastically.
The repeated increase in the price of LPG is adding to the problems of the public said the protesting Youth Congress chief Sriniwas BV in a statement on the recent prise hike on domestic gas cylinders. Indian Youth Congress Srinivas BV said that Prime Minister Modi will neither allow people to eat food nor will he allow them to cook. Accusing the petroleum minister he said when Smriti Irani was in opposition, she used to protest on the streets on the increase of ₹5 for petrol, diesel and LPG, but today when there is all-round inflation, she is silent, today and through this protest thevYouth Congress has tried to wake her up from her sleep.
Indian Youth Congress chief Srinivas BV while he’s highlighting the plight of the poor said that in BJP’s rule, $1 = ₹ 79.36, and LPG- ₹ 1053/cylinder, this is the book of BJP’s good days adding that in the election campaign of 2014, PM Modi made inflation a big issue, but today whether it is LPG cylinder, petrol Or diesel, inflation has taken out the oil of the general public. He charged the government of being anti people saying that it could not show red eye to China, but tomato is showing red eye to the public due to inflation, food is being snatched from people’s plate.
The National President of Indian Youth Congress, Shri Srinivas BV also said that during the time of the former PM Manmohan Singh, the Congress government used to buy expensive and sell them cheap to the public. But now despite everything being cheap in the international market, it is being sold expensive to the public. The dearness love of PM Modi, who once talked about defeating inflation, is well known today he said. It is because of their wrong policies towards inflation that today the rich has become more rich and poor, poorer.
Demanding bringing down of the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, domestic gas and petrol, diesal prices at the earlier the IYC chief Sriniwas said that the surging inflation and increasing unemployment have literally broken the backbone of the countrymen already overburdened by prise rise.
He demanded that the Prime Minister should understand the pain of the people of the country, today the people are suffering from unemployment, inflation has broken the back of the common man, so the government should reconsider its decisions and return back the increased prices as soon as possible.
Indian Youth Congress Media Department President Rahul Rao said that it is the duty of the government to protect the interests of the public. It is the religion of the government to save the people from all kinds of trouble while facing difficult situations. But alas, the Modi government has proved to be a complete failure in this.
Many youth Congress workers including National General Secretary of Indian Youth Congress and Delhi In-charge Puran Chand Coco Padhi, Co-Incharge Khushbu Sharma Mangla, Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress President Rannvijay Singh Lochav were present in the protest.