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Games/ SportsWorld

Indian Hockey team lost against Germany in Semifinals. Now will have to confront with Spain and win, to win the Bronze

The India Hockey team’s dream to win the semifinal against Germany was broken today when it lost against the latter by 3-2 in Paris Olympics. The Germany hockey team’s Marco Milco has scored a goal against India in the last minute leading to India’s defeat. Prior to the Indian Hockey team’s defeat both the teams were on Equalizer of 2-2. Now for the prestigious Bronze medal India has the last chance to win the match against Spain. The Indian Hockey team got good chances to strike penalty corners but couldn’t succeed. According to the latest report on the seventh minute of the game the Indian Hockey team’s captain Harpreet Singh exhibited his tremendous dexterity and scored a goal getting the penalty corner. As a result the hockey team got the lead of 1-0 in the first quarter of the match. In the second quarter of the match Germany’s Gonzalo Pelet scored a goal making the score of 1-1 . Gonzalo scored the goal on the eighteenth minute bringing the Germany team on equal footing to Indian Hockey team bringing the score to 1-1. While the match was going on steadfastly with India playing in full form , Christopher Rude of Germany score the goal giving the Germany Hockey team a lead of 2-1 against India. The second quarter this was fully in favour of German Hockey team keeping their moral high. The Indian players did their best and tried hard to goal but couldn’t succeed. In the third quarter the Indian Hockey team came into offensive posture and tried its best to break the defender of the rival team. The Indian Hockey team tried its best to cumulatively play the game in high spirits. The Indian team desperately wanted to make the score equal . On the 36 th minute Sukhjeet Singh of Indian Hockey team scored a goal equalising the tally 2-2. However, few minutes before the end of the fourth-quarter the German’s scored a goal thus giving the lead to them once more . This significant goal was scored by Marco Millacco of Germany against India on 54 th minute. This is how the Indian Hockey team lost the match.

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