Protest n court arrests of Indian Youth Congress activists against RRB-NTPC rigging and police atrocities on youth.

New Delhi, 28 January 2022:
The Indian Youth Congress today protested against the Central Government over RRB-NTPC rigging and against the police atrocities on the youths. Criticizing the saffron party leadership the national president of Indian Youth Congress Srinivas BV said that the the weapons of the BJP government are atrocities and crime. Today, where there is a BJP government, there are atrocities against the youth he added.

Accusing the Bihar government led by Nitish Kumar and BJP, the I Y C chief said that the double engine government of Bihar is betraying the aspirations and hopes of the students and the police brutality on students protesting against malpractices in examination results exposes the authoritarian character of the government said BV Srinivas while addressing the Indian Youth Congress protestors. He said that the Constitution of the country has given every citizen the right to protest, but the police personnel are beating up the students tortuously by entering hostels and lodges. Terming the UP CM as a dictator IYC president Sriniwas said that on the eve of Republic Day, the police of dictator Ajay Bisht has given a message to the youth of Uttar Pradesh that the right to protest has now been taken away in this republic, which is highly condemnable.

He also added that when the youth demanded employment, the BJP government used sticks to torture them. He questioned : How can we bear the BJP’s most inhuman atrocities on the future of the country adding that the BJP government should understand thoroughly and unambiguously that the rights of the youth cannot be snatched away on the basis of sticks and bullets, especially when they are democratically protesting demanding right to survive n live through employment opportunities which is the moral and constitutional duty of an elected government.

He demanded that the fake FIRs registered against students and teachers be withdrawn immediately and policemen responsible for ruthless lathicharge on democratically protesting students demanding employment should be suspended immediately.

The Indian Youth Congress Media In-charge Rahul Rao said that the high handed lathi charge and inhuman behavior of the double engine government and the police is highly condemnable, warning that if this trend continues there will be a revolution across the country against the oppression of youth. The youth will relentlessly struggle to seek their constitutional rights to employment and the Indian Youth Congress would always stand with them in their struggle solidly.
The Youth Congress activists were raising anti government slogans and carrying play cards with slogans Desh ke yuva hain berojgaar, Modi sarkaar Sharm karo and RRB – NTPC ki Dhandhli turant Band ho etc.

The Indian Youth Congress secretary and Delhi Co-Incharge Khushboo Sharma, Secretary Shesh Narayan Ojha, Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress President Rannvijay Singh Lochav, and many youth Congress workers took part in the protest and courted arrests.