Immediately after joining Congress by Dr Rawat and his daughter in law Anukriti Gusain, Dr Rawat’s letter of apology reaches social media

After so much of drama of five days though finally the former cabinet minister of Uttarakhand expelled by CM Puskar Singh Dhami for six year unceremoniously Dr. Harak Singh Rawat has been admitted in Congress along with his daughter in law, the former Miss India Anukriti Gusain in a war room of AICC in the presence of all leaders, his so called letter of apology released in social media and subsequently to media is quite interesting as far as its language is concerned.
Moreover, the so called letter or MAAFINAMA or statement by a seasoned leader who had been the cabinet minister in almost all governments of Uttarakhand n has changed parties five times from BJP to Congress to BSP n then back to pavilion, was not addressed to either national Congress president Sonia Gandhi, former party chief Rahul Gandhi or state state president Ganesh Godiyal.
Technically it was not a suitable letter or a statement except just a formality for the consumption of social media or press, exhibiting that he has been admitted in the Congress party after the expelled BJP minister has sought apologies for his past mistakes condemning the BJP government for betraying the people of the state and keeping everyone in dark.
The content of the matter of this so called apology letter or statement was prepared by someone and Dr. Rawat signing at the end of it without it being addressed to any Congress leader.
What is interesting is the fact that though the list of Congress candidates could not be declared on Friday as expected, but Dr. Rawat’s statement seemingly prepared in a hurry at AICC office in Hindi did reached the social media becoming viral in no time.
The single page statement which declares Dr. Rawat’s full faith on the leadership of Harish Rawat seeking apology for joining BJP terming it as his most unwanted wrong decision says: The BJP leaders had in 2014 n in general elections of 2019 shown the countrymen the dreams of “Ache Din”. The BJP had made promises to control skyrocketing inflation, giving employment to the youths of the country, bringing black money stashed in foreign banks and deposition of Rs 15 lakhs in everyone’s bank account. The BJP’s double engine government had assured us as well as the inhabitants of Uttarakhand that they will fulfill all these demands including not let the youth and water of hills go waste.
We were confident that in view of these assurances, the central government will accord a special package to ameliorate the grievances of the people of Uttarakhand viz migration, unemployment, education and health related issues.
The BJP leaders assured me as well in 2016 that after the formation of the state government, the central government will give a special financial package and all possible support to resolve all the grievances of its people. These promises were repeated in the elections of 2017.
After the formation of the BJP government in 2017, I had been constantly pressurising the state government and the key leaders to fulfil their poll promises but they lingered them further eluding their promises saying that the issue is under active discussion and subsequent consideration.
While the government’s tenure was likely to come to end these promise became mere rhetorics.
After changing of the chief Ministers, all hopes were gradually belied.
As the tenure of the government came to end I ( Dr Harak Singh Rawat) constantly urged the leaders to fulfill their poll promises given to the people, but all in vain compelling me to leave the saffron party. I finally decided to leave the party.
Today when I analyse the entire situation ( developments) and studying the comparative difference between the working of former Congress and present BJP governments, I have come to the conclusion that the Congress government have been fully successful in its laudable outstanding contribution in resolving peoples grievances and doing all round development of the state.
After deeply analysing the past developments I have arrived at a definite conclusion that leaving the Congress party was my life’s biggest blunder n wrong decision for which I seek apologies from the people of Uttarakhand, Congress leaders and workers.
The BJP government had been far far behind compared to the progressive government led by Harish Rawat said the letter or statement, not addressed to any leader.
The party which betrayed and looted the people of Uttarakhand by its false promises has no moral right to seek any vote from the people of Uttarakhand.
I have realised today that the Uttarakhand can be benefitted only if it gets the absolute majority n a stable government.
I will therefore strive hard to form a strong Congress government so as to enable fulfilment of the dreams of our movement activists.
In 2016 the BJP has misused the Congress lawmakers to destabilize the duly elected Congress government and tarnished the Democratic values wrote Dr. Rawat in his, statement while joining Congress after the struggle and wait of five days desperately along with his daughter in law.
It may be recalled that Dr Rawat is the third leader of Congress background n 2nd cabinet minister of BJP govt , having defected to the saffron party in 2016 after Yashpal Arya, lawmaker n Sanjiv Arya, lawmaker his son joined Congress during the last two months.
Rest seven lawmakers remained in BJP including heavy weights like Satpal Maharaj, Vijay Bhuguna, former Congress CM, Subodh Uniyal cabinet minister n others. Dr Rawat said that he will devote his entire time and energy in ensuring BJP’s defeat in this election and would feel relieved and an act of redemption after Congress wins hands down with tremendous majority.
His daughter in law has been assured of Congress ticket from Lansdowne who is a model and winner of several beauty pageants like Miss Grand international 2017, Miss Asia Pacific World 2014, who also runs an NGO in Uttarakhand working for the upliftment of poor n hapless women n children.
निज हितों के मध्य राष्ट्रीय हित कब आयेगा?
परिवर्तन को बाधित क्यों किया जाता है?
क्या मतदाता आज भी प्रदेश व देश हित नही समझता?
प्रदेश के हित में जो भी प्रत्याशी है चाहे किसी दल का हो उसे मतदान दिया जाय।
I think we all need to scratch our head for the so easy causes to change from one party to other and fool around with the mandate. There is a need to ensure enforcement of law. Wherever, the laws need change for being practical, should be done right away. Link Aadhar Card with property and have a permanent solution of crossing the floor.
The problem will never erupt.
पार्टी की मैं बात नहीं करना चाहता पर ब्यक्ति गत तौर पर कहाना चाहता हूं कि हरीश रावत या हरक सिंह दोनों उत्तराखंड के दुश्मन हैं. ढोंगी है. अपने परिवार की सोचते है और नेता बनते है उत्तराखंड का. सब कुछ करो पर उत्तराखंड के हितों को दाऊ पर लगा कर नहीं.
हरीश रावत ने ही हरक का माफ़ीनामा लीक किया होगा ताकि उसका हरक के ऊपर upper hard रहे.
ये धूर्त है बस यही कहना बहुत है.