If Arunachal Pradesh n J&K can order CBI enquiry into Arunachal Pradesh SSC n J&K constable recruitment scams why is UK govt not agreeing to our repeated requests asks Lusun Todariya, youth leader

While the Special Task Force of Uttarakhand government has so far arrested several kingpins like the former UKSSSC chairman n former chief conservator of Forests RBS Rawat, former Secretary of the commission Manohar Singh Kanyal and former examination controller R. S. Pokhariya including fifty candidates and more than 21 men of the gang of the alleged recruitment, cheating and paper leak scam, the movement activists and young political activists including Uttarakhand Kranti Dal are in one voice demanding the CBI enquiry into this multi crore scam going on since several years allegedly involving influential political and bureaucratic high ups. These leaders are of the strong view that the state controlled STF would not bring fruitful results as after the time passes the matter may liquidate gradually in view of the political influence of the interested parties. These leaders n one of them Lusun Todaria has questioned as to why can’t there be an impartial CBI probe into this highly sensitive case when in similar cases of paper leaks and recruitments, the state government of Arunachal Pradesh and union territory of Jammu and Kashmir have recommended for CBI enquiry and probe already commenced leading to several raids and arrests. In the case of J& K CBI probe recommended by the Lt Governor Manoj Pandey about Rs. 1.25 crores have been recovered after it was allegedly collected from the candidates in a constable recruitment scam and three accused arrested after several raids on various locations of high ups. In the Arunachal Pradesh State Selection Commission paper leaks scam the CBI has registered a strong case against the senior officers of APPSC Assistant Engineer Paper leak scam involving crores of Rupees. The CBI investigation in the constable scam of Jammu n Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh APPSC recruitment scam are on full swing with allegedly several heads of the high ups likely to roll down. The activist against the massive UKSSSC scam Lusun Todariya has asked the state government as to why it is reluctant to recommend for an impartial CBI probe into this massive scam when the same has been recommended by two state governments of Arunachal Pradesh and union territory Jammu and Kashmir ? Todariya in his Facebook post has unambiguously written that this cleary shows that an attempt is being made to protect the big fish allegedly involved in this scam and only small fish are being arrested to make them the ultimate victims. They are afraid that the CBI enquiry if ordered may lead to several big fish coming into picture wrote Lusun Todariya in his facebook post. He also stated that the way a trend of majority of the scamsters are gradually getting bail it looks, as if the trend to protect them has started taking shape. He has strongly demanded the CBI probe into this massive scam forthwith. Kindly recall that in both the states AP n J& K ( union territory) the rule is controlled by the saffron party and in Uttarakhand too BJP government is ruling.