IAS n Deputy Secretary in PMO Mangesh Ghildiyal enthralls audience by singing a Garhwali song at Garhwal Bhawan !

The deputy secretary in Prime Minister’s Office and former district magistrate of Rudraprayag and Tehri Garhwal earlier, IAS of 2012 batch Mangesh Ghildiyal has on 7 th January while he was chief guest in Garhwal Bhawan on the occasion of the women Ram Lila being enacted by outstanding women artists from Rudraprayag district enthralled everyone when he sung a song of legendary singer Narendra Singh Negi with jubilant audience cheering in the Hall attended by hundreds of Uttarakhandies in Delhi.

Despite being an outstanding civil servant having been popular as district magistrate of Tehri, Garhwal during Covid times and before as well in Rudraprayag for his outstanding contribution to the society, Mangesh Ghildiyal IAS was specifically called by the PMO and assigned specific responsibility as undersecretary there after promoted as Deputy Secretary. Considered as a touching and motivating personality Mangesh Ghildiyal has always been in the news winning accolades in social and print media.

While addressing the audience Mangesh Ghildiyal on whose initiative the interesting Ram Lila for nine days from 2 nd January to 12 January is being enacted by the women artists of Rudraprayag with immense dexterity impressing one and all by their outstanding acting, lauded the Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha as well as Kedar Badri Manav Shram Samittee for successfully organising this Women Ram Lila for the very first time and said that he feels that he is in his Rudraprayag family today.

Appreciating the exceptional acting, roles, dialogue delivery and songs of the women artists Ghildiyal said that the artists are primarily teachers and are apart from doing Yoga daily, hold Ram Lila n other curricular activities are ably shaping the academic future and career of students of Rudraprayag making them better citizens.

He cited one instance about people of Rudraprayag being so nostalgic with him when he was DM there, saying that whenever in distress they used to call him directly on his mobile and he would resolve their all issues diligently.

He said how once in the night hours while everyone were in sleep an old women in distress called on his mobile and complained about her daughter in law beating her.

He was so popular among the women folks that on Rakhi festivals the Kirtan Mandali and Ram Lila Committee artists and teachers used to come to him and tie Rakhies out of affection.

The Union Minister Ajay Bhatt, chief guest was also present who watched this Women Ram Lila for about two hours and enjoyed to the hilt. He complimented the women artists for their outstanding feats as artists playing all roles from Ram, Lakshma, Raven to Hanuman n Sita etc and entertaining the enthusiastic audience for the last seven days.

Prominent amongst those who were felicitated on this occasion were the secretary of Uttarakhand academy in Delhi Jeet Ram Bhatt, Prominent social activist n entrepreneur K. C. Pandey, the first Guinness Record holder farmer and Orchard man of Uttarakhand Gopal, Upreti, Bhagwan Singh Negi n his wife, eminent entrepreneur n activist Trepan Singh Bhandari, journalists Sunil Negi, Harish Aswal , Hema Uniyal, writer n literature , singer n musician Sarveshwar Bisht , Actor n Singer Vimal Uniyal, Rajendra Chouhan and his wife eminent singer Mrs Chouhan etc.

The state minister of Defence n tourism Ajay Bhatt also felicitated the Women Artists with trophies on this s occasion and a group photograph clicked with them.

Well described, Negi Saheb..!
Thanks and grateful Sir
Sunil Negi
Wow…great. We salute all these women artists from Rudrapayag, Uttarakahnd.