I am not a party spokesman. I am an MP elected by all the people of Thiruvananthapuram, Therefore, I speak as a responsible stakeholder in Indian democracy…” Shashi Tharoor on praise of PM Modi

The former undersecretary general in United Nations, MP from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala since 2009, vociferous , a great orator , author of several books, currently the chairman of Committee on External affairs and a controversial politician as well due to his wife’s mysterious murder few years back in a five star hotel’s room Shashi Tharoor these days is very much in news because of his appreciation of prime minister Narendra Modi during his US visit with his video going viral.
Former diplomat turned MP Shashi Tharoor while appreciating Prime minister Narendra Modi has said that he has both, immense dexterity addressed big concerns during his meeting with US president Donald Trump , though mentioning nothing about the prime minister’s reply on the hard question posed to him on Adani’s case in US when PM instead of saying that ” law will take its own course” has sidelined it saying that the two heads of nations never discuss personal matters of any individual.
While lauding the PM’s visit – Tharoor said that the joint press conference addressed by both the leaders of India and US gave the impression that the deliberations in the Press Conference were good. To hear a man like Donald Trump whose defense secretary on Thursday called him the greatest negotiator in the world, announcing in the media that the Indian prime minister was a greatest negotiator than he was, that sounds like something Mr.Modi can put in the bank, that sounds very good, Tharoor had said.
In Congress and opposition camp this public appreciation by Shashi Tharoor had infact raised several eye brows, being criticized.
Tharoor however, came forward to confront this criticism over his praise of the Prime minister as well as the Kerala’s left democratic front government.
According to ANI Tharoor strongly came out with a solid defence and maintained his stand to commend prime minister Modi saying : “…For 16 years I have been in politics. My attitude has been that when somebody in the government, whether it’s our government or some other party’s government, does the right thing or does something well, one should acknowledge and praise it, and when they do something badly, one should criticise it…If I were to praise all the time, no one would take me seriously. If I were to criticise all the time, no one would take me seriously either…There’s got to be some give and take in democracy…What I found with some of the important outcomes of Prime Minister Modi’s visit with US President Trump is that there are good things from the point of view of the Indian people. There are some questions that still remain…Why did the question of the way in which those illegal immigrants were returned to India not get addressed?… Did PM Modi raise it behind closed doors?… I welcome the fact that there is now an agreement to have a negotiation for the next 9 months on trade and tariffs. It’s far better than Washington hastily and unilaterally imposing some tariffs on us, which could have damaged and hurt our exports. It seems to me that something good has been achieved, and I applaud that as an Indian. We can’t always speak only in terms of party interests. I am not a party spokesman. I am an MP elected by all the people of Thiruvananthapuram, and on that basis, I speak as a responsible stakeholder in Indian democracy…”