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Has Uttarakhand really become a safe haven for Criminals with alleged high political connections ?

How can the Bhartiya Janata Party get rid of alleged protection being given to the father and son duo of Ankita Bhandari brutal murder case and the former’s involvement in unnatural sex with his driver n subsequent threats to his ( driver’s ) life when they were in BJP.

The BJP leadership had first appointed Vinod Arya as a state minister, appointing him as the vice chairman and there after his son as vice chairman of OBC Commission, another state ministerial rank.

It was only after the secrets of the murder of 19 year old innocent receptionist working in Vanantara resort was revealed that the saffron party top leadership was compelled to expel Vinod Arya, former minister n his son from the party and also terminating him from the state ministerial rank ( As OBC Commission Vice chairman).

It shouldn’t be forgotten that till the last, Vinod Arya and Pulkit Arya were taking the advantage of their high connections in the saffron party until media hype on this issue dominated, people stood up in protests and they were shown the door.

Thereafter several attempts were made to demolish the resort to bury the evidences obviously to protect the culprits.

There had been hundreds of protest demonstrations, candle marches and Dharnas demanding the case to be handed over to the India’s premier investigating agency CBI but the state n Central governments preferred to give it to self controlled STF with the traumatised parents of late Ankita and protestors of civil society not believing in the STF probe blaming the ruling party of allegedly derailing the investigations as happened in Uttarakhand’s recruitment n cheating scam where majority of the culprits have been out in bail. This unilateral decision of the state government not to recommend Ankita’s case for CBI enquiry, continuing its STF probe has compelled a local journalist n activist Ashutosh Negi file a Public interest litigation in High Court.

Meanwhile, the father of Pull it Arya, the main culprit and owner of Vanatara resort Vinod Arya has been accused for having forcible unnatural sex with his own driver n threatening him with dire consequences if he reports the matter to police. There are reports that three of his men allegedly tried to hit him on a motorbike as complained by the driver Mt. Kamboj.

However, the driver got the FIRST Information Report lodged and the Uttarakhand police has booked cases against the former state minister under various severe sections of IPC viz 377 for having unnatural sex, 307 attempt to murder, 511 for life imprisonment, 323 for physically harming and injuring, 504 degrading ones reputation etc.

Earlier to this, there was a news regarding Vinod Arya threatening another person.

It may be recalled that once famous as the land of abode of God’s – Uttarakhand today has become a safe haven for criminals from inside and outside Uttarakhand with unfortunate dreaded incidents of torturing deaths, murders, cases of love jehads, dowry deaths, incidents women harassments, women insecurity etc taking place very often.

The Uttarakhand Women Commission seems to be a tool of the government showing no credible results as women commissions of other states show to protect distressing women.

The colonisers, builders, contractors, liquor and land mafias are having their fullest say with large tracts of land having been purchased by outsiders and large number of outside population settling in Uttarakhand with local populace migrating outside the state disturbing its demography.

Uttarakhand’s politics is being criminalised with the himalayan state losing its basic hill character and concrete land laws still a distant dream.

The government of the day only talks much and does less say Congress leaders.

The two recent happening in Uttarakhand brutal murder of Ankita Bhandari and massive recruitment and cheating scandal of UKSSSC including Assembly recruitment scam have compelled every Uttarakhand to hang their heads down in shame say Congress leaders.

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