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Harish Rawat ridicules PM’s Kedarnath visit saying that they go for “Tatva, ” in Kedarnath and we go for “Satva”, in Shivalayas

The former Congress CM of Uttarakhand and chairman of the Uttarakhand election campaign committee Harish Rawat today termed the visit of prime minister Narendra Modi at Kedarnath Temple as the visit to derive political benefit than to pray saying that their usual intention is to find “Tatwa”, ( materialism) in their every visit to temples whereas Congress party and he go their for gaining “Satva” ( Truth). Ridiculing the visits of BJP leaders to temples as merely to exploit them for political gains veteran Congress leader Harish Rawat said that we visit Shivalayas ( temples of Lord Shiva) and Baba Kedar exists in every Shivalayas of Uttarakhand and the country.

People are least impressed by such temple visits as they are reeling under acute inflationary pressures leading very cumbersome lives he added. The people are so fed up and frustrated with the politics of religion that now such visits hardly influence them.

Congress veteran leader Harish Rawat was answering to the questions of media on Friday at Haridwar.

He unambiguously said that prime minister has come to Kedarnath shrine for marketing his visit and derive political benefits in a flamboyant style.

He said PM is doing less obeisance to Baba kedar than flamboyantly exhibiting himself . He said that the people are considering themselves to have been betrayed.

While prime minister Narendra Modi was offering prayers at Kedarnath Temple the veteran Congress leader Harish Rawat was paying obeisance to Lord Shiva at Haridwar at Tibhandeshwar Mahadev temple on Friday.

It may be recalled that prime minister Narendra Modi today visited Kedarnath Dham at 8 AM via chopper after landing at Jollygrant Airport early morning.

He inaugurated various developmental projects including the Samadhi and 35 ton, 12 feet statue of Aadi Shankaracharya and dedicated quite a good time at temple premises inspecting the new works done under his instructions assured by him during his earlier Kedarnath visits with a budget of Rs. 400 crores. He meditated in front of Aadishankaracharya as well after inaugurating it sitting in front if his statue.

The Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, Dr. Harak Singh Rawat, Subodh Uniyal and other cabinet ministers were present on this ocassion amid extremely tight security.

On June 16 to 18 in Kedarnath the ecological disaster leading to a huge deluge after the cloud bursts and bursting of Gandhi Sarovar ( Lake) entire constructions in Kedarnath were damaged including the Samadhi of Aadi Shankaracharya claiming over 5000 lives and collosal loss of properties in the adjoining villages and areas alongside the gushing rivers of Alaknanda n Bhagirathi that become pious Ganges after confluence at Dev Prayag. Several buildings, hotels and other constructions were damaged situated on the banks of the gushing rivers.

In view of the Uttarakhand elections round the corner, the visit of Prime minister Narendra Modi holds tremendous significance.

He had also inaugurated an over ambitious four Lane Char Dham Yatra project and underground railway project from Rishikesh to Karnaprayag worth about 15000 crores of rupees during former CM Trivendra Singh Rawat’s tenure, in which thousands of trees were cut inviting criticism from the environmentalists with lot of media hype.

This is prime minister’s fifth visit to Kedarnath Dham after becoming the Gujarat CM and PM. He had been here for several months while he was not CM dedicating his three months on meditation at Kedarnath temple site and valley. He had offered to renovate the entire Kedarnath Dham after the massive delude destroyed several constructions at the Kedarnath vicinity but the proposal was rejected by Uttarakhand then CM Vijay Bahuguna. Modi was then the chief minister of Gujarat and became PM after a year in 2014.

The Union home minister Amit Shah has also commenced the election campaign of BJP few days ago when he openly accused and challenged Congress leader Harish Rawat for debate and his appeasement politics towards the minority community of Uttarakhand in particular.

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  1. Election time declarations shouldn’t be taken seriously. I am seeing these guys from their early days in politics. Secondly, past performances should form past of your judgment. We can’t neglect that visible and being felt. No body can live on promises & hopes alone.
    Monitoring of utilization of funds is very essential otherwise, it becomes like a drop of water evaporates after dropping on hot plate.

  2. Election time declarations shouldn’t be taken seriously. I am seeing these guys from their early days in politics. Secondly, past performances should form past of your judgment. We can’t neglect that visible and being felt. No body can live on promises & hopes alone.
    Monitoring of utilization of funds is very essential otherwise, it becomes like a drop of water that evaporates after dropping on hot plate.

  3. From time to time Congressmen have been using abusive and foul language . It only speaks about their upbringing and Congress culture

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