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Harish Rawat ridicules BJP govt on recruitment of Patwaries and lekhpals. Says “Badi der kardi Huzur aate aate”

The national Congress general secretary and member CWC very much in the good books of Sonia, Pryanka and Rahul Gandhi eyeing on the chief minister’s post of Uttarakhand in the ensuing elections keeps himself extremely busy and proactive in social media leaving no opportunity to criticize the ruling party in Uttarakhand and its chief minister Tirath Singh Rawat apart from trying hard to resolve the Punjab crisis and confront his detractors tactfully within the Uttarakhand Congress.

Though being a national leader Harish Rawat is Punjab Congress incharge as well after being the Assam incharge, his concentration in Uttarakhand affairs is worth appreciating with unconfirmed reports that he may head the high power committee of Uttarakhand Congress to conduct the forthcoming assembly elections scheduled for March 2022.

His tirade against the BJP government in Uttarakhand through various protest demonstrations and social media come whatmay on daily basis is worth laudable say his supporters.

In a recent facebook post veteran Congress leader Harish Rawat has referred to the sit in protest demonstration of Congress workers and Bageshwar district Panchayat members in Bageshwar demanding their due share ( of budget) in view of the state government of BJP intentionally allocating little budget thus discriminating on political lines.

Harish Rawat while criticizing the BJP govt accused them on intentionally cutting the budget of the district punchayats ruled by the Congress party representatives.

Accusing the BJP of insulting the democracy Harish Rawat demanded adequate budget for Bageshwar punchayats and those ruled by opposition Congress in Uttarakhand.

In another post tagged to the Uttarakhand chief minister Tirath Singh Rawat, former CM Harish Rawat while ridiculing the chief minister ( not mentioning his name) in the context of ” Patwari and Lekhpal vacancies wrote in Hindi with the title : The state government has opened the vacancies/ recruitments of Patvaries and Lekhpal, Badi Der Kardi Meharbaan aate aate “, Rawat writes : These recruitments were made in the year 2015 , and after six years the state government has thought of these recruitments. He said that this matter has been made so complex and confusive that the applicants are compelled to go to court thus deliberarely delaying these recruitments. This will give an excuse to them that they ( BJP govt) wanted to give them jobs but since now the matter is subjudiced they can’t help. This means that they won’t recruit and would be in a position to say that they want to recruit them but can’t help it, the matter being subjudice.

Rawat said that the Uttarakhand government has created a confusion with regard to Uttarakhand origin candidates’ height as well. The fact of the matter is that the height for Army recruitment is 163 centimetres whereas for Patwaries and Lekhpal 168 centimeters. Rawat clarified that in 2015 these appoinments were done with the height of the candidates being 155 cms. He questioned what happened in 2021 that the height has been enhanced. Is there any study on this confirming that the height of the candidates have increased after 6 years. There is another confusion that Uttarakhand origin candidates will get a relief of 5 cms. This has created a confusion. May be the aspiring candidates will go to the court to seek justice. In adition to this another confusion has been created about the cut of date said Rawat. The cut of date should be of today not of the recruitment date said Rawat. This is another reason of confusion said Harish which may compel the prospective candidates of Patwari and Lekhpal posts to go to court in the near future.

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