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Harish Rawat heartily praises Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank expressing anguish over his exit from central cabinet

Politics is such a game where politicians criticize their opponents to such an extent that they sound like their most dreaded enemies at times but when they find their enemy confronting the worst situation, like losing portfolio of a central ministry, they pretend to be their most caring well wisher, trying to soothe their hurt feelings to such an extent that it sounds as if they were never the ardent opponents.

For some it may sound hypocritical, especially, when a diametrically opposite ideological leader who could hardly think of his opponent’s political well being praises him saying that he was so anguished and distressed on his opponent losing his ministership that he felt as if he has lost his own ministerial berth. However, there may be many who would appreciate this gesture of an opponent leader.

I am talking about none other than the diplomatic veteran Congress leader and former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat who had on Sunday reacted to his opponent, former union minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank’s unceremonious exit from union cabinet something like that.

In a specially written passionate note in social media, veteran Congress leader Harish Rawat was so upset that he had no option but to post his feeling in his Twitter handle expressing his passionate feelings towards Dr. Nishank.

In a note written in Hindi, Harish Rawat wrote : In politics, positions come and go. But snatching of posts and positions of some people gives deep anguish.

Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, a former minister in Uttar Pradesh and former chief minister of Uttarakhand is such a person who emerged in politics from a very simple n moderate family with rural background, finally achieving the prestigious position of Human Resource Development minister at the centre.

When he got the central human resource development minister’s pivotal position, I was the most jubilant person spontaneously expressing by heartiest happiness.

It was a huge achievement becoming a central human development minister as these days we can’t produce leaders of eminence like Govind Ballabh Pant, Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna and Narayan Dutt Tiwari.

Though we are political rivals and Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had been doing his best to defeat me from Haridwar relentlessly, but when the question of collective/ cumulative proud comes, all the personal squabbles, prejudiced considerations and political rivalries take the back seat.

When I got the news of Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank resigning from his post I thought as if I have been personally divested of something important.

Wishing for his good and sound health, Rawat said that he is confident that Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank will again make place for him in the near future as he is fully capable of doing so.

I can’t bless him as he is a Brahmin since birth but I wish that he again becomes a union minister in future said Rawat through his emotional post after former union minister Ramesh Pokhariyal’s exit from union cabinet.

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