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Tourism, Travel, Mythology, Environment,Uttrakhand

Gaumukh Glaciers are melting rapidly. A meet at Press Club on 25 th June !

The Bharatiya Janata Party and Congress are likely to jointly raise their voice against the increasing risk of melting glaciers of Uttarakhand Himalayas due to global warming and men made interventions with the nature.

The Uttarakhand lawmaker from Tehri legislative constituency now in BJP and earlier close to Gandhi family Kishore Upadhyay has convened a meeting at Press Club of Indian on 25 th June to discuss threadbare on the increasing global warming and rapidly melting of glaciers of the Himalayas posing direct threat to human lives.

Expressing his serious concern over the incessant receding of the Gaumukh glaciers due to surge in temperatures leading to less rains and snowfall Kishore Upadhyay said that even the secretary general of the United Nations had in Geneva expressed his serious concern over the increasing global warming and its subsequent global impact negatively.

He expressed the dire need to seriously think and act on this issue of urgent national and international significance across ideological lines especially the people of Uttarkashi , Garhwal from where the Ganges emanates and the Media as well.

Keeping in view the rapidly back tracking/ receding of the glaciers due to increasing global warming , there is an urgent need to think and act on this pivotal issue by the active participation of media, earth scientists, seismologists etc so as to arrive at a definite conclusion to aware the people extensively to safeguard our environment and avoid the surge in temperature etc said Tehri, Garhwal lawmaker Kishore Upadhyay.

The pious Ganges is rapidly squeezing and there is an urgent need to think over the rapidly squeezing glaciers said Kishore Upadhyay.

Meanwhile the vice president of Uttarakhand Congress Dhirendra Pratap has also agreed to participate in this discussion convened by the BJP lawmaker Kishore Upadhyay saying that he will approach the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to create awareness on this issue with the party forum adding that he doesn’t find anything wrong to participate in the conclave called by BJP, the arch rival of Congress if it is for the good and well being of human civilization said Dhirendra Pratap. He said that he will convince the party leadership to convene such conclaves on surging temperatures in the country due to global warming and find ways and means to control them by initiating projects like massive rain water harvesting, water conservation, planting of trees in maximum numbers and make building students and youths towards protecting environment etc.

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