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Cases and lawsuits

Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha elections stopped. General house to assemble on 9 th and all the decisions taken to be presented before the court on 21 st April

The Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha elections due for 12 th January has been cancelled by the Patiala house court on the petition filed by an advocate Rakesh Binjola , who himself was contesting for one of the posts of executive committee as independent.

According to the latest news Mr.Vaibhav Pratap Singh , Civil Judge Patiala House Courts, New Delhi District, Delhi in his ruling said that the application for temporary injunction is urgently pressed seeking ad injunction ex – parte order restraining Defendents 2 ( Surat Singh panel and 4 ( election officers) from holding elections of D1 Sabha ( Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha) on 12th January 2025, and also restraining D1 (Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha management) from giving its premises at CP for the purposes of holding the election of the Executive Committee of D I ( GHS).

The order of the Civil Judge 01 / MM , Patiala Courts Vaibhav Pratap Singh mentioned that the learned counsel for the Defendant D 1 as well as the D2 and D4 appear on advance notice and have undertaken not to conduct the election on 12.01.25 stating further that the General Body meeting of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha has already been called for – to be held on 9 th February wherein the agenda shall be the appointment of the new election officer.

The next hearing of the case has been fixed for 21 April 2025 in which the the details of the appointment of the new election officer etc will be presented before the honourable court.

During the hearing of the petition filed by Rakesh Binjola advocate verses Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha appealing for stay of the GHS elections slated for 22 January 2025, the counsel for defendents number 1 Sanjay Darmora , advocate and defendents No 1 Ajay Singh Bisht, the outgoing president of GHS whose nomination was cancelled including advocate Y. P.Uniyal and Pradeep Singh Negi and Harsh Vardhan counsels for defendents No: 2 and 4 were also present during the hearing.

The court has granted permanent injunction against defendents no. 2 and 4 ( Surat Singh and election officers) restraining them and their agents, representatives from holding elections of GHS slated for 12 th January.

The order has catagorically directed that the general house should be held and new election officer elected/ nominated on 9 th February and the entire details of the decision taken in this meeting may be presented before the court in its next hearing fixed for 21 April 2025.

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