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Delhi newsUttrakhand

Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha elections declared for 16 th March after court’s intervention and decision taken by the general house of GHS

The new full fledged election officer and the date of the polls of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha, Garhwal Bhawan , New Delhi have been announced after the decision taken in the general house meeting held in Garhwal Bhawan on 9 th February, 2025. The Delhi court has on a petition filed by an independent member who was contesting for the post of executive membership of GHS Rakesh Binjola has given directions that a unanimous decision regarding the appointment of new chief election officer and the schedule of the new election may be taken and court informed accordingly of the unanimous decision arrived at in this general house. The new election officer chosen with majority vote is Vinod Kumar Nautiyal and the date for election of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha has been fixed for 16 th March, 2025. According to the decision taken the nomination forms will be distributed and submissions commence on 18 February to 24 th February from 9 to 5 PM whereas the last date for submitting the nominations will be 25 th February till 6.30 PM. The scrutiny of the nomination papers will take place on 26 th February till 12.00 PM. The last date of withdrawal will be be 27 th February 4.30 PM. The new Election Officer nominated with the voice vote in general house is Vinod Nautiyal. The elections will be held as usual in Garhwal Bhawan premises , Chandra Singh Garhwali Chowk, New Delhi. The election norms will be issued in two days from now. There are nearly 4500 active life members of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha and is the biggest organisationof Garhwalies living in Delhi and NCR established a century ago in Quetta, Pakistan, prior to independence from the colonial rule. It may be recalled that there was a controversy in Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha earlier and the previous election date has been revoked by the court after a petition was filed by one of its members questioning the integrity of the earlier election body. The previous election officer Lalit Dhaundiyal had resigned after his entire efforts to arrive at a mutual settlement between two contesting parties couldn’t bear fruits as both parties were adamant on their respective stands. There were two panels of GHS contesting earlier one led by the outgoing president Ajay Bisht and another by the ex president Surat Singh Rawat. Bot of them were contesting for the post of president. The crux of the controversy was that during the scrutiny of the nomination papers of earlier declared elections the nomination of Ajay Bisht and 15 others were declared as cancelled on technical grounds by Mr.Lalut Dhaundiyal and three assistant election officers namely US Negi and two others. Not only this but the three assistant election officers of Garhwal Hiteshini Sabha declared Surat Singh Rawat as unopposed. This led to soaring of temperatures in the group led by Ajay Singh Bisht who declared the General House meeting scheduling it for 9 th February terming the cancellations as vindictive, arbitrary and against the GHS constitution. Meanwhile, the outgoing Election Officer Dhaundiyal while resigning also expressed his desire to call the general house and take a fresh decision with the court later in giving its approval to the same.

🌲 मतदान : 16 मार्च 2025
(समय: सुबह 9:00 बजे से सायं 5:00 बजे तक)

🌲 नामांकन फॉर्म वितरण : 18-24 फरवरी 2025 (समय दोपहर 12:00 बजे से सायं 5:00 बजे तक)

🌲 नामांकन फॉर्म जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि : 25 फरवरी 2025 (सायं 6:30 बजे तक)

🌲 नामांकन फॉर्म की जाँच : 26 फरवरी 2025 (दोपहर 12:00 बजे से सुरु)

🌲 नामांकन फॉर्म वापसी : 27 फरवरी 2025 (सायं 4:30 तक)

🌲 चुनाव के लिए उम्मीदवारों की अंतिम सूची : 28 फरवरी 2025 (समय: सायं 4:30 बजे)

🌴 नामांकन फॉर्म वितरण स्थान
चुनाव कार्यालय : गढ़वाल हितैषीणी सभा (पंजी.)गढ़वाल भवन, वीर चन्द्र सिंह, गढ़वाली चौक, पंचकुइयां रोड। दिल्ली-110021

🌴चुनाव स्थान: गढ़वाल हितैषीणी सभा (पंजी.), गढ़वाल भवन, वीर चन्द्र सिंह, गढ़वाली चौक, पंचकुइयां रोड। दिल्ली-110021

विस्तार से चुनाव विज्ञप्ति चुनाव नियमावली के साथ 1-2 दिन में प्रेषित होगी

इं. विनोद कुमार नौटियाल
चुनाव अधिकारी
गढ़वाल हितैषीणी सभा (पंजी.)

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