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Games/ SportsUttrakhand

Garhwal continues it’s winning streak for the 4 th time in the ongoing Garhwal Premier League


Garhwal continues their winning streak with their 4th consecutive victory in the ongoing Delhi Premier League 2024-25 at Ambedkar Stadium, Delhi. The first match of the day was between Tarun Sangha FC and Indian Air Force. Tarun Sangha took the game with a convincing 3-0 victory. The first goal for Tarun Sangha came in the 10th minute of the match. A short pass from a goalkick to IAF’s defender backfired as Tarun Sangha’s strikers ambushed the player and won possession. Thounaojam Shital Singh confidently shot the ball in the bottom left corner from the 18-yard line to give Tarun Sangha the lead. The 50th minute saw a beautiful long ball from the centre line to Khullakpam Sakir Ali who received the ball and soundly tapped the ball over the keeper’s head to score a wonderful goal and make it 2-0. The 81st minute witnessed a long ball from the right flank into IAF’s penalty box. Sonjalen Haokip then cut the ball inside to beat the defender and took a shot into the far top corner to make it 3 0 and seal the match.

The second match between defending champions Garhwal Heroes Football Club and Hindustan FC turned out to be a 3-goal comeback thriller. The first half went goalless as both teams held off each other tirelessly. Hindustan FC took the lead in the 49th minute with a corner taken by Thangminlen Misao which went into the goal after a unfortunate mishandling by the goalkeeper. Garhwal’s Rohan Manar equalised in the 63rd minute by converting after a brilliant end to end play. A long ball by the goalkeeper was received and dribbled down the left flank by Garhwal’s winger. The winger dribbled into the penalty box to create a perfect low cross to Rohan which saw the back of the net as expected. Garhwal soon took the lead in the 65th minute. A quick throw by Garhwal’s captain in Hindustan’s half near the 18-yard line was quickly crossed into the box by their winger. Mustafa Shaikh missed the rolling ball by a hair which was then received by Garhwal’s Milind Negi who shot the ball into the bottom left side netting to seal the victory for them.

11-Oct-2024 will see National United SC taken on Delhi FC in the first match at 12:30 PM at Ambedkar Stadium. The second match at 3:30 PM will be between United Bharat FC and Sudeva Delhi FC.

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