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Gajendra Joshi from Champawat promoted as Lt General as Pawadeep Rajan has won Indian idol trophy

Though Uttarakhand is proud to have prestigious Victoria Cross to Param Vir Chakra, Mahavir chakra recipients including NSA Ajit Doval and several others raising the Indian flag high with hundreds of martyrs laying down their precious lives for the nation, protecting our porous borders and valiantly fighting the dreaded terrorists, hell bent upon destabilising India’s unity and integrity aided and abetted by the neighbouring enemy countries, the Himalayan state is proud to have its son of the soil reach highest positions in India Army breaking all barriers of odd challenges and infinite obstacles during their entire life time struggles.

Here I am talking about none other than an intelligent and dedicated brave gentleman namely Lieutenent Gajendra Joshi hailing from village Latoli Gram Panchayat under Champawat district synonymous with eminent singer and prestigious winner of Indian Idol trophy Pawandeep Rajan.

It is indeed a matter if immense privilege and pride that 55 year old Gajendra Joshi hailing from village Latoli of Champawat district has been promoted as number two, Lieutenant general in Indian Army sending jubilant waves in entire district in particular and Uttarakhand in general.

Having become Lieutenant in 1987 , Gajendra Joshi has carved a niche for himself by the dint of his hard work, dedication, commitment and intelligence finally reaching to the prestigious post of Lt. General having led several challenging important operations.

During his entire operations he headed challenging operation Pawan in Srilanka, followed by operation Rayoon in insurgent dominated Assam and Manipur, including operation Rakshak in strife torn Jammu and Kashmir n Himpaat, finally awarded with reputed Sena medals for his outstanding n exemplary services.

What is unique and significant feature about this brave heart is that his entire family is serving the Indian Army in various significant positions.

His father Anand Ballab Joshi is credited with being an Assistant Commandent in Central Reserve Police Force, with his patriotic brave son posted as Lieutenant in Indian Army.

His wife Ritika Joshi is a teacher in Sainik School rendering training to would be Army officers. Salutes n good luck to Lt. General Joshi.

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