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Full fledged Doiwala, Rani Pokhri bridge goes down with several vehicles damaged including big patch of Sahastradhara Road in monsoon rains

A huge bridge at Doiwala, Rani Pokhri has been damaged, literally  breaking from between with several cars, tempos and even motorcycles going down in the high velocity river at Rishikesh.

This huge bridge allegedly costing several hundred crores including a wide road’s fifty metre patch at Sahatradhara completely being washed away in the massive monsoon rains tides have exposed the real corruption behind the alleged  substandard materials or technology used in the construction of this bridge and roads worth crores of rupees of public exchequer.

The moot point is have anybody heard of huge bridge built with modern technology with several crores of rupees incurred on its construction, design and architecture being damaged in monsoon rains due to the high velocity tides of the river.

Don’t forget that the ruling party government known as a double engine government makes repeated claims about being non tolerant towards corruption but a massive bridge goes down into the moonsion river tides and a fifty metre patch of Sahastra Dhara road gets washed away within no time.

Sounds ironical allegedly giving the clear cut indications of substandard material and outdated technology used in the construction of this bridge and road raising several questions pointed towards the double engine government talking too much of Zero tolerance this giving enough material to the opposition parties in the state to train their guns against them. The people of the state are in a state of shock asking whether responsibility or accountability would be fixed on those responsible for the serious shortcoming if any to bring them to justice ?

Photos grabbed from youtube vedio Pahad ka pathar

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One Comment

  1. This not only unearth corruption but a system failure also. When Bridging Corporation of India constructs a bridge should give specification like classification of bridge, minimum assured life, date of manufacturing, periodical check due, date of expiry of assured life, after which the warning must be displayed, necessary repairs be under taken to enhance assured life.
    Quality of material used certificate, name of contactor be given.
    After the bridge give away, the pecuniary fine and punishment, black listing of contractor be done. All concerned responsible to supervise and inspect be also punished.
    Then only, the fear sychosis will come into play & corruption be minimized.

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