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Four year old child killed by maneater at Vikas Nagar, Shankarpur Dehradun !

The incessant attacks of man eater leopards in various parts of Uttarakhand like Pauri, Chamoli, Tehri Garhwal and Dehradun district are on the rise these days and the Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand too is not safe by these roaming maneaters on prowl for human flesh.

During the last few months there have been several man eater kills in Ram Nagar Corbett national park vicinity, Rikhnikhal Block, Dugadda, Lansdowne, Pauri Block, Nainidanda block in Chamoli, Dehradun and Devprayag areas where women going in fields, old aged women in their compounds and children became their easy prey with their highly mutilated dead bodies found several metres away from their house either in the jungles or bushes.

In other words there is literally panic in several villages n blocks of Garhwal Mandal where movement of the local populace have been restricted during evening hours.

Few days ago in Naini Daanda block while schools were closed down , the local administration have imposed a curfew after few man eater deaths and the predators witnessed in several parts of this area roaming freely near human habitats.

The latest tragedy has occurred in Dehradun’s Vikas Nagar area at Shankarpur where a four year child playing with five friends was targeted and killed by a man eater who had three months ago attacked him.

The four year old child namely Ehsan was attacked few months before as well when his mother had turned the leopard away during night time by throwing a sparkled stick towards the man eater while she was cooking tea during evening hours on the ” Chulha”.

The professional man eater killers ” Shikaries” are surprised and shocked to see the child Ahsaan being targeted for the second time after three months may be by the same maneater leopard.

They are surprised to see this second incident of a child being brutally killed by a maneater after second attack registered in Jim Corbet record book.

The local residents and professional maneater killers say that there is panic all around in this area ( Shankarpur Mahmudnagar, where for the last nine months the man eater are roaming freely , posing direct threat to human lives especially children and women considered to be vulnerable targets of these man eaters.

The terror of this man eater warrant’s its immediate killing or capturing as it may target other human beings as well if not controlled of killed in time say the government appointed professional hunters.

The team probably hired by the government comprised of these professional man eater killers led by Ashish Das Gupta from Himachal Pradesh, Rajiv Soloman of Moradabad and Sayyad Ali Bin Sayid of Meerut.

According to one of the hunter Soloman this incident occurred second time killing of a 4 year old child is mentioned in historical hunter Jim Corbett ‘s book Maneater of Rudraprayag. These hunters are on the lookout for this man eater and desperately want to kill him before it target’s other human beings.

According to one Nirmala Negi , an NGO activist a nine year old boy was brutally killed by a man eater in Padhav village of Garhwal when they had visited it few months ago in connection with killing of two cows by a leopard. She said that incidents of man eater attacks have become a common feature in Uttarakhand where are every three days such fatal tragedies occur but the wild life n forest department is mum, literally doing nothing.

If we talk of the monetary compensation given by the state government to the families of the deceased of man eater kills it is Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 2 lakhs to the injured. Earlier this Compensatory amount was Rs 2 lakhs only but during the tenure of BJP chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat it was raised to Rs 5 lakhs and that of the injured from 50 thousand rupees to Rs. Two lakhs.

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