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FormerJapanese PM shot at, admitted in hospital

The longest serving n popular prime minister of Japan for more than nine years, first in 2006 and thereafter from 2012 to 2020 Shinzo Abe has been admitted in a hospital in ICU after he was shot by an assailant at 11.30 AM from close range at his back while he was addressing a meeting at Nara in Japan on Friday. Former PM of Japan who brought progress n political stability to the nation resigned voluntarily after he suffered from severe digestive problems of ulcers in stomach. The attacker has been arrested n being interrogated. The former premier who was bleeding tremendously after the gun shot from close range is believed to have suffered cardiac arrest and is being treated in ICU of the hospital. The 67 year old former PM was shot from behind while addressing a campaign meeting who collapsed after the second shot. His condition is believed to be precarious with lot of blood oozing from the wounds at the time of being hurt by close range gun shots.

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