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Former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat urges state government to lodge FIR against VIP named by the traumatised mother of late Ankita Bhandari

The former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat has urged the Uttarakhand government to register an FIR against the VIP named by the parents especially the mother of deceased Ankita Bhandari who was brutally killed by the son and his associates in Vanantara resort owned by him in Yamkeshwar block. Harish Rawat was very specific saying that since now the name of the alleged VIP have been given by the traumatised mother of the deceased Ankita Bhandari in her video having gone viral in social media, what is the problem with the BJP government to lodge an FIR against him and investigate the case threadbare further stating that it he is found guilty he should be punished and if found non guilty should be released but despite the deceased girl’s mother disclosing the name of the VIP, no action has been taken till yet, which clearly reveals an element of suspicion said former chief minister Harish Rawat who raised his voice while speaking to media in Haridwar had also participated in Kisan protest Dharna accusing the BJP led Uttarakhand government of cutting the power share of the farmers for hours together and giving it to the industrialists. He accused the power and electricity department to sell the power to the industrialists and lodging false cases against the farmers harassing them . Harish Rawat warned the administration if the power situation is not improved immediately the Congress party will hold a strong protest demonstration against the Urja Vibhag in Uttarakhand. It may be recalled that the traumatised mother in tears have also blamed the Uttarakhand ruling political dispensation even taking the name of the Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami for allegedly going slow in delivering justice to her brutally killed daughter. She had also spoken against the police administration for allegedly registering a false, FIR against journalist and activist Ashutosh Negi just because he had raised his voice demanding stern punishment to get culprits of Ankita Bhandari and exposing corruption from time to time. She even when to the extent of declaring that if false cases are not withdrawn against Ashutosh Negi, journalist and activist from Pauri Garhwal she will be compelled to take drastic steps like taking her own life etc.

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