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Former UK CM Harish Rawat admits that the people of Uttarakhand punished him for his past mistakes. Appeals to forgive him to take him out of depression. Sure of Congress winning with tremendous majority.

The former Uttarakhand CM and chairman of election campaign committee Harish Rawat on the eve of new year appealed to the Congress workers, leaders and his old friends who had left him including the state electorates to bring Congress party back to power giving up their annoyance against him for his past mistakes having lost two elections leading his government to a massive defeat with just 11 lawmakers winning in the previous assembly elections and putting him in political depression.

A night prior to addressing a press conference and participating in a Congress protest dharna against skyrocketing prices at Dehradun Harish Rawat posted a detailed post in social media on the eve of New year yesterday night.

A long post in Hindi posted by Harish Rawat says : Dear Brothers and sisters and associates n friends, Just a few minutes after a new year 2022 will emerge. The year 2021 is bidding good bye encompassing several troublesome memories of the past year.

For me, the emergence of the new year bears different new meanings than changes. The new year accompanies with it a new meaning for entire Uttarakhand as assembly elections are to take place in 2022. A new assembly would come into existence and the political party acknowledging majority will form its government. For me the year 2022 will be the year to wash the chapter of depression as being the chief minister I not only lost from two legislative Assembly seats but during my tenure as state CM, the Congress party was constrained to get merely 11 seats in the previous assembly election.

I have to convert this situation of depression into the state of jubilation. Patting his back Harish Rawat further wrote that despite going into political depression ( sort of oblivion) I had not lost courage and from day second in 2017, energised my efforts to generate confidence and enthusiasm in Congress workers and the people of the state. The result is clear. Today the party workers and the state electorates are in enthusiastic mode to bring change in Uttarakhand.

He added that during the defeat you sometimes lose respect n honour and also your friends who had been extremely instrumental in the success of your political journey.

Today those friends do not stand with me in a friendly gesture as they used to stand earlier. It happens in politics as it is always not possible that your friends stay with you usually, to chart out their political destiny.

They change their political course of action and find new friends for better political prospects.

I am deadly sure that in 2014,15,16, I had committed certain blunders and the people at large punished me accordingly. In addition, some of my friends are in s mood to punish me on an unimaginable level.

On the eve of New Year I would like to humbly pray to the people of the state and all my friends ( associates) to reconsider their stands, give a serious thought about their anger against me, but would admit that the state has got an incapable n inefficient government for five years.

During the last five years the people got such an incapable government which could not safeguard their Uttarakhandiyat ( the honour and prestige of Uttarakhand).

It proved a total failure to safeguard their ” Swabhiman”, ( self respect), the change in peoples lives have either stopped or their status degraded, the grievances of the people instead of being resolved enhanced manifold wrote Harish Rawat.

Our friends should therefore seriously give a rethink to their anger against me, saying that punishment for a blunder of an individual should not be given to the party.

He appealed to his political colleagues n people annoyed with him to, please give a serious rethinking and unitedly chart out a way to bring a new change in the party organisation. I too seriously thought over it and came to a conclusion that year 2022 can accord us a special gift i. e. the return of Congress party in power.

This victory doesn’t mean that only Congress will assume power but the blot applied on my forehead after losing from two assembly constituencies and leading to a shameful defeat of Congress will also be washed for ever wrote Harish Rawat in a repentant mode.

I want to change the situation by all means and this is why I commence my day early in the morning and do my best, whole day.

I assure you that we will bring the change in Uttarakhand to bring back the prestige and honour of Uttarakhand for which we had been longing to establish the Uttarakhandiyatand take their prestige n honour to the highest peak.

I reiterate my old commitment to bring back confidence reposed in me by the people of Uttarakhand to make them self reliant and ensure an overall development of the state.

With these aspirations I wish them all the very best . Jai Hind, Jai Uttarakhand, Jai Uttarakhandiyat wrote former CM of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat.

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One Comment

  1. Asking detail apologies, may be termed as self realization. But in politics it can turn out to be suicidal. There are many who might have not known these faulies, but know it now. In election ever party wants to find chinks in every other contesting party’s Armour. Therefore, confession in open may spoil the chances of success. Is it gathering of sympathy or empathy, not clear?

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