Five children drown in Saryu river. All dead bodies retrieved. Shock waves in Uttarakhand

There is an extremely shocking news about five youngsters in their teens having been drowned in a river Saryu in Uttarakhand whose dead bodies have been retrieved by local swimmers n the police. According to the latest news the sad incident occured on Thursday during day time when five adolescent children had gone to Saryu river, near Seraghat in Pithoragarh district with an intent to swim but they were drowned in the river. How this tragedy occured after the five children in their underpants dived in the river is still unknown. The police reached the river site and the swimmers were sent inside to retrieve the dead bodies. However, the rescuers tried their best to save them but of no avail. It was later on revealed that these children had gone to take bath inside the river but they got drowned because the high velocity tide or may be they did not know how to swim. The reason for their death is reported to be asphyxiation. The deceased boys belonged to Simli, Kuna and Dhauliyair villages near Ganai Gunali under the jurisdiction of Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand. There were shock waves all around with relatives n parents of the dead crying in utter despair n anguish blaming the authorities for not acting in time to rescue the children. The Almora MP n former minister Ajay Tamta as extended his deepest condolences to the bereaved families appealing the state government to adequately compensate the bereaved families with prayers to Almighty to render peace to the departed souls and enough strength to the anguished families to bear this most irreplenishable loss.
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Very sad.
Such incidences have happened earlier in many hilly reasons. The river current is faster as rivers flow down hill unto plain.
This shows, as if parents have no say to their out goings.
Nothing can be done to protect river banks. But as passive action that can be taken is making of proper protected ghats at such vulnerable places.
Sensing the sensitivity of the case you have avoided pics of youngsters on the riverside but preferred a pic carrying the bodies. you took care of readers having the news without getting hurt.. At times we do have pics but judicious selection is something we must prefer as a good editor .-GOVIND GOPAL, DANYA ALMORA
Sensing the sensitivity of the case you have avoided pics of youngsters on the riverside but preferred a pic carrying the bodies. you took care of readers having the news without getting hurt.. At times we do have pics but judicious selection is something we must prefer as a good editor .-GOVIND GOPAL, DANYA ALMORA
Thanks for your comments
Sunil Negi
बहुत दुखद खबर। गर्मियों में अक्षर कई लोग अपने अपने गांव देखने जाते हैं और उनके बच्चे, हर वह काम करते हैं जो उन्हें नही करना चाहिए जैसे गांव की नदियों में नहाना, उनका तो मनोरंजन होता है लेकिन उनको पता नही होता, नदी गहरी है और अचानक वे डूब जाते हैं।
Very sad incident…😪 careless on the part of the parents… guardians.