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First child with Sachin as father born to already the mother of four Seema Haider who came to India illegally

Seema Haider who had illegally and clandestinely migrated to India along with her four children and married to a too younger Bachelor Sachin Meena whose father is a “Maali” has given birth to the fifth baby, the girl child after two years of her marital tie up. Extremely controversial a woman Seema Haider whi had come in contact with Sachin Meena through a video game PUBG on line chats took the courage to come to India illegally travelling first to Nepal and then to Uttar Pradesh, India without passport with her four children. After reaching India she was interrogated by top intelligence agencies and several other probe channels finally being released allowing her to marry Sachin. Both Seema and Meena are now You tubers having started their own YouTube channel with millions of subscribers appearing on it exhibiting their daily chores. Both of them had been in umpteen television debates with their UP village literally a centre of Television news channels and you tubers for several months. This is the fifth child of Seema Haider with Sachin as her husband. A supreme Court Advocate A.P Singh who has fought the case of Seema Haider in India and brought her out safely from the legal hassles considering her as his sister revealed the news of the birth of Seema Haider’s fifth child ( baby girl) born in a private nursing home as a healthy normally delivered baby. The baby girl is born in Tuesday and the name of the baby girl will be revealed after the Naam Karan, birthday rituals revealed the jubilant Supreme Court Advocate A.P.Singh.

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