, pub-9329603265420537, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


A sixteen minute short film titled FIRE IN THE CITY is being screened on Disney +Hotstar these days. The sixteen minute duration short film is based on the 2020 communal riots of national capital and has earned appreciation among its audience though the film lacks the dialogue delivery aspect being sort of a silent movie with soothing background music.

According the film’s story while Delhi’s particular part has been inflicted by communal riots and a police inspector in a Jeep making announcement urging people to remain indoors as prohibitory n shoot and sight orders have been issued by the authorities, the worried people rush for shelter indoors.

On hearing the police warning after the riots spread in a Delhi vicinity – a middle aged teacher while returning back home had no option but to seek shelter in a dilapidated mansion (Haveli) in desperation, in order to protect himself.

After finding a secluded place in a corner of the old Haveli, this middle aged teacher realises that some other person of a young age preferably a Muslim is also living in this mansion, making him desperate n insecure.

The teacher becomes extremely insecure with different kinds of thoughts appearing in his mind especially because he felt that a Muslim youth is hiding in the Haveli n may probably harm him physically.

The teacher in desperation keeps himself fully prepared to confront any eventuality as he feels an unexpected attack from the unknown man.

While clandestinely following the Muslim youth with a white round cap on his head inside the dilapidated mansion when he realises a smoke coming out, this middle aged teacher finds that the Muslim youth had not burnt anything but was rather cooking ( heating) potatoes to fill his belly.

Finding the Muslim youth of no consequence having sought shelter in this haveli, the frightened teacher finally realises his mistake and both the Muslim youth and the middle aged teacher part their ways with a decent smile looking at each other with a glance.

A short film of merely sixteen minutes with soothing background music, its story ( plot) and characters keep the film alive till the end with audience waiting to see something unique likely to happen.

The film revolves around only two characters one Fasih Choudhary and another Manish Upadhyay who’d played their roles with immense dexterity rather having done justice to their characters.

The film titled Fire in the city written, directed and produced by DALJEET SACHDEVA is a huge slap on the hollow mentality that always create differences between minority and majority ( the two religions) to meet their narrow vested interests.

इन दिनों Disney+hotstar और Hungama पर चल रही wep फिल्म ‘फायर इन द सिटी’ एक सत्य घटना पर आधारित फिल्म है जो 2020 में नई दिल्ली में घटी सांप्रदायिक हिंसा पर आधारित है।

शहर में दंगा भड़कने के बाद एक अधेड़ उम्र हिंदू अध्यापक अपने घर लौटते हुए मजबूरी में अपनी जान बचाने के लिए एक खंडहर हो चुकी हवेली में शरण लेते हैं। जहां उन्हें एक युवा मुस्लिम समुदाय के किसी व्यक्ति का पहले से ही होने का आभास होता है।

उन परिस्थितियों में वह अपने आप को बोहुत असुरक्षित महसूस करते हैं और ऐसे में किसी भी अप्रत्याशित हमले का सामना करने के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहते हैं।

मुख्य नायक को जब पता चलता है कि जिस व्यक्ति को वे अपना दुश्मन समझ रहे थे, वास्तव में वह स्वयं भी उसी दुविधा से गुज़र रहा था जिससे वे गुजर रहे थे, तब उन्हे अपनी भूल का एहसास होता है।

अंत में दोनों एक प्यार और करुणा की मीठी मुस्कान के साथ विदा होते हैं।

केवल 16 मिनट की इस लघु फिल्म का कथानक और घटनाक्रम पात्रों को अंत तक जीवंतता प्रदान करता है।

फिल्म में केवल दो पात्र हैं जिन्हें फसीह चौधरी और मनीष उपाध्याय ने बड़ी ही ईमानदारी के साथ निभाया है।

दलजीत सचदेवा द्वारा लिखित, निर्मित और निर्देशित यह फिल्म उन लोगों की खोखली मानसिकता पर एक गहरा कुठाराघात है जो हमेशां से दो धर्मों के बीच एक खाई को खींचने का काम करते रहें हैं।

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