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Fierce collision between Kanchenjunga Express and goods train in New Jalapai Gudi, West Bengal, 5 brutal deaths n 200 injured

The Kanchenjunga Express train standing at Jaipalgudi station was hit from behind by a goods train with tremendous force and the collision was so strong that the rear three bogies of the Kanchenjunga Express were badly damaged.

More than 200 passengers were injured skne grievously and 5 passengers have tragically succumbed to their serious injuries. The president Draupadi Murmu expressed her condolences on hearing about the railway accident at Darjeeling writing in X : The news of the loss of lives due to a train accident in Darjeeling, West Bengal is deeply distressing. My thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families. I pray for the speedy recovery of the injured and success of relief and rescue operations.

Rime minister Narendra Modi while expressing his condolences expressed in X :

The railway accident in West Bengal is saddening. Condolences to those who lost their loved ones. I pray that the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to officials and took stock of the situation. Rescue operations are underway to assist the affected. The Railways Minister Shri

@AshwiniVaishnaw Ji is on the way to the site of the mishap as well.

May God grant salvation to those injured in the train accident and heal the injured as soon as possible.

The Congress leader and MP Rahul Gandhi also expressed his deepest condolences blaming the BJP led NDA government for its wrong policies leading to such drastic train accidents. On his message of condolences on X he wrote :

The news of the death of many people due to the accident of Kanchenjunga Express in West Bengal is extremely sad. I express my deepest condolences to all the bereaved families and hope for the speedy recovery of the injured. The government should immediately provide full compensation to all the victims or their families. Congress workers are requested to provide all possible assistance in relief and rescue efforts. The increase in railway accidents in the last 10 years is a direct result of the mismanagement and negligence of the Modi government, which results in loss of lives and property of passengers on a daily basis. Today’s accident is another example of this reality – as a responsible opposition, we will continue to question this blatant negligence and hold the Modi government accountable for these accidents.

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