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Entire family swept away at Lonawala due to excessive rain water released from Bhusee Dam, Lonawala with video going viral tremendously

Pictures grabbed from social media video

During excessive rains , especially in monsoon one should be extremely careful avoiding the hill stations, long journeys in mountain ranges and mountain cities/ townships n hill stations including valleys as ecological catastrophes lead to massive loss of lives and severe injuries during this season, especially. Nobody knows what is in store in the destiny. However, carelessness and outing on monsoons sometimes lead to the entire family perishing to the wrath of nature. And this has happened at Lonawala, Maharashtra just yesterday when during excessive rains an entire family was washed away after a Bhusee Dam opened its flood gates due to accumulation of excessive rain water. A family enjoying their outing adventure to get relief from scorching heat of many days was on a middle stone of the valley, enjoying the nature when the water flow wasn’t ferocious. They had not an inkling of idea about the life taking risk they would confront in the near future. Probably after the dam’s gates have opened due to excessive water accumulation at the dam reservior due to excessive rain a huge water current swept the entire family of probably seven members including women, daughters n children, after they tried their best to stand firmly on the huge stone/ boulder hope the water current to become mild, but all in vain. A video recorded by someone has gone viral in social media showing the entire tragic mishappening with people on the banks of the flowing river not able to do anything , despite desperately wanting to do so. This shocking tragedy occured yesterday in Lonawala at 1.00 PM when the entire family after trying their best to bear the ferocious current of the dam water flow finally couldn’t tolerate the huge forceful tides being swept away helplessly losing their precious lives. RIP

बरसात के मौसम में झरनों एवं नदियों के किनारे न जायें सावधानी बरतें।
आज बहुत ही दुःखद घटना घटी लोग बचाने की जगह वीडियो बनाने में मस्त थे इतनी देर तक पूरा परिवार पानी के अन्दर फसा रहा अगर ये लोग चाहते तो अपनी टी-शर्ट, चुनी की रस्सी बनाकर इनको बचा सकते थे लेकिन बहाव के आगे ज्यादा देर तक टिक न सके और लगभग दोपहर के 1:00 बजे लोनावाला भूसी डैम के झरने में बारिश के तेज बहाव में पूरा परिवार बह गया।

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