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Empowerment of women is balancing responsibilities at home, workplace, society says Professor Surekha Dangwal, VC Doon University

On International Women's Day, 8 th March

Dehradun, Mar 8: Doon University Vice Chancellor Professor Surekha Dangwal today celebrated International Women’s Day with with women employees of the university and shared thoughts with them on women’s rights, responsibilities and empowerment and holistic development of women.
Stating that empowerment is not merely participating in the workforces but contributing at various levels as women form a crucial axis of society and nation building. “Our responsibility in any institution is no less than that of our male colleagues, hence we should be conscious of all our rights but also discharge our duties with great responsibility,” she said.
Appreciating the role of women workforce in the development of the university, she reminded them of the duties and responsibilities that invariably come with special rights. “Apart from this, your responsibility is also important in nurturing the family which is the building bloc of the society and the nation, to strike a balance between our role in the family, workplace and society.

Apart from this we have to ensure proper harmony between the responsibilities of the society, family and the institution, as through that we can play our role towards building an ideal society and institution.

The Vice Chancellor said that sometimes we feel that we are perhaps less capable than our male colleagues because we have different responsibilities in the family and society. But it is completely misleading to think like this because women are equally capable as men in every aspect, and many of our sisters and daughters have done this, therefore we have to understand our versatility and capability and behave in our daily life, so that We will be effective in changing the perception towards women in the society.

She reiterated that all of you are capable of achieving anything but you must embrace your capabilities fully and take ownership of your work without any excuses in the name of other responsibilities that you carry,” said Professor Dangwal.

The Vice Chancellor said that the women employees working in the hostels, guest houses, laboratories, library, academic blocks and other areas should be acutely aware of their roles and responsibilities. “Those working in hostels should remember that they are guardians of the students who are like their family members. Your behaviour with them should be like a parent which will help them feel at home while being away from home.”

“You should be proud of the fact that you are making great contributions in contributing towards the nation building. The future of the country is shaped in universities and it is in this sense you are contributing to nation building.”

All the women employees present on this occasion openly shared their thoughts with the Vice Chancellor and expressed their gratitude for honouring them on ‘Women’s Day’.
Urmila, one of the women working in the sanitation department said that it was very gratifying to be with the Vice Chancellor on this important day.

Savita, another employees said that “our Vice Chancellor, who herself is an example of a strong woman for the society, is a source of inspiration for all of us.” Hostel PRD security guard Shashi Rawat said that “We are fortunate enough that Vice Chancellor is always sensitive towards the problems of every employee of the university.” Hostel caretaker Ruchi said that Vice Chancellor always took keen interest with deep sensitivity in solving various issues, including personal problems, of all employees with great care.
On this occasion, Hostel Warden Dr. Deepika Bhatia, Dean Student Welfare Professor HC Purohit, Professor Harsh Dobhal, Mr. Vipin Naithani, University Security Supervisor Mr. Harendra Singh Rawat, Mrs. Lakshmi Naithani, Mrs. Lakshmi Nishad and Mr. Gusain and others were present.

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