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Eminent journalist Rahul Kotiyal of Baramasa honoured with Doon university distinguished Alumni Award.

The management of Doon university yesterday organised a grand convocation ceremony in which the Governor of Uttarakhand ( Retired) Lt. General Gurmeet Singh was the chief guest and the former ISRO chief and leading space scientist Dr. K. Siwan was the special Guest of honour.

Dr. K. Siwan had earlier served on important positions as secretary of Department of space and chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation. From 2015 to 2018 he had been the Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.

When the previous mission to Moon failed due to a minor error the prime minister Narendra Modi embraced him and literally consoled senior most space engineer K. Siwan who was in tears.

Addressing the august gathering of academicians, professors, lecturers and students , Dr. K. Sivan while lauding the energetic youths full of enthusiasm to dedicate themselves to nation building said that he is viewing a special energy in the youths of the country for the progression of the nation. What we need is the inner talent to come out and our insightful capacity to identify ourselves as outstanding citizens of the country is much important, which we often lack. He urged the youths not to be aporehensive of incoming challenges and failures in life adding that if you don’t achieve the desired result despite working hard, instead of losing confidence and becoming frustrated, you should think positively that something big is going to happen in the near future to change your destiny.

While trying to give confidence to students and youths Dr. Siwan said we should not aspire for jobs but rather inculcate in us a quality to become job givers.

Several students were felicitated and given degrees n honours on this occasion.

The special moment came when the governor of Uttarakhand Lt General Gurneet Singh and renowned space scientist Dr. K. Siwan felicitated the Alumni of Doon university, the leading journalist Rahul Kotiyal with Distinguished Doon University Alumni Award amid tremendous cheers and clappings. The chief editor of BAARAMAASA an important channel Rahul Kotiyal is a leading name among outstanding journalists whose every story carry tremendous weight, impression and prestige in the hearts and minds of the viewers. His father Rajendra Kotiyal had been the CIC in Uttarakhand government. Others Alumnis awarded Doon Alumni Distinguished honours apart from Rahul Kotiyal were : Rahul Tyagi, Daya Krishna Purohit and Divyansh Rana.

The prestigious honour known as Doon university distinguished Alumni of the University was presented by Governor Gurneet Singh who lauded their outstanding services to the society terming them as the great assets for the Himalayan state. The Vice Chancellor of the university Dr. Surekha Dangwal also graced the occasion by her pivotal presence and invaluable highly inspiring speech.

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