Electronic and print media journalists allowed during curfew if they show the valid I cards

The Delhi government has on Thursday granted permission to all the Delhi journalists to move freely during the night curfew by showing their appropriate Press Identity card instead of e pass, if asked for by the police authorities after 10 PM during the curfew timings till 5 PM. In an order issued by the Delhi chief secretary Vijay Dev, on 8th April, It is said that in partial modification of order number 364 dated 6.4.21, with regard to the imposition of night curfew in NCT of Delhi and in exercise of powers conferred under Section 22 of the Disaster Management act 2005, the undersigned ( chief secretary Vijay Dev) in his capacity of Chairperson state executive Committee DDMA GNCTD hereby directs that the catagory of Print n Electronics media shall be exempted from restriction of movement during night curfew on production of Valid I Card instead of possession of E pass. However, the order states that rest of the contents of the earlier order will remain in force. It may be recalled that in Delhi curfew from ten O clock in the night to 5 PM has been imposed by the government of NCT of Delhi after witnessing rapid increase in Covid 19 cases with daily fatalities also enhancing much. On Thursday there had been more than seven thousand Covid 19 case with twenty fatalities.