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Earthquake of low intensity measuring 2.4 on Richter scale made people run out of their houses in Chamoli this morning

While – weather in Uttarakhand especially in Chamoli district is already in doldrums, a low magnitude earthquake has been experienced this morning measuring 2.4 on the Richter scale. The tectonic upheavals were witnessed in the morning at 9.36 AM in Chamoli township with terrified residents emerging out of their houses in panic. According to the latest news the earthquake though not leading to any disaster being not of much magnitude did shook the area in Chamoli district as its depth was measured five kilometres downwards. The weather in Chamoli and in entire Uttarakhand is already in doldrums with rain and cold waves including heavy snow fall, this earthquake though of the low magnitude has made the situation more worse and worrisome. The meteorological department had already issued warning signals about the inclement weather conditions. According to the seismologists and earth scientists such small and ineffective tectonic upheavals if arriving regularly may invite earthquake of large magnitude in future. It is an open fact that Uttarakhand is already under the Zone five prone to tectonic upheavals and earthquake including other disastrous ecological consequences. Uttarkhashi had already been the victim of a major earthquake in 1991 killing 768 persons measuring 6.8 on Richter scale. Chamoli also suffered an earthquake in 1999 and the 1803 Srinagar Garhwal earthquake was the major one literally creating havoc. Rudraprayag, Bageshwar, Chamoli, Pithoragarh, Uttarkashi etc are the most sensitive zones prone to future earthquakes coming under zone five while Pauri, Udham Singh Nagar,Nainital, Haridwar, Champawat, are under zone four.

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