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Earthquake measuring 5.4-5.6 felt in Delhi NCR with its epic centre being Kalika, Nepal

Earthquake tremors were experienced in Delhi NCR today in the afternoon at 2.28 PM of the magnitude of 5.6 measurement on Richter Scale after Nepal was struck by it as per the information released by Reuters referring to the reports of European Mediterranean Seismological centre. Several persons have tweeted in this regard posting videos of house articles trembling. The tremors were reportedly for thirty seconds. It has been observed that during the last few months n years there had been series of tremors in Delhi NCR with last one experienced on January 5 that hit the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale. Earlier to this, tremors were also experienced on the New Year eve on 1 st January midnight measuring 3.8 on the Richter scale. The epic centre of this low intensity earthquake was Jhajhar which occurred 1.19 AM. On Twiterrati Rubina Mongia tweeted with picture writing : Felt the tremors of the #earthquake in Delhi. What is important to note here is that in Indonesia too on 23 rd morning at 11.47 PM experienced earthquake measuring 5.5 from Kepulauan Talaud Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. According to Android Earthquake Alerts System Nepal, India and China felt tremors in some parts with no loss of lives.

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