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Digital professional 29 year old Mrs Rawat working in Mumbai killed outside Panvel Railway station by a stalker !

A woman originally from Garhwal, Uttarakhand having been brought up in Bhopal – gentle Priyanka Rawat, a digital professional was brutally killed on Thursday night in a busy precincts outside Panvel Railway station while heading towards her house after being relieved from her official duty at 10 PM.

The in laws n husband including the relatives of the deceased residing at Vihinghar in Panvel Taluka, Mumbai, Maharashtra are shocked and traumatised losing their daughter in law who was few days ago threatened by this stalker pointing a pistol at her reveal the news reports. She had then raised alarm in the train and he ran away is desperation.

The shocking relatives living at Dehradun are also leaving for Mumbai tomorrow. Speaking to the senior staff of the Maharashtra governor the writer was told that all possible help and support is being rendered in the case and the senior police officials as well as the MLA was also contacted to expedite the necessary investigations in this brutal murder in order to bring the killer to justice expeditiously.

The Commissioner police is reported to have been asked to look into the matter seriously reports one of the relatives of the deceased. According to the news the 29 year old deceased was working in a private firm as a digital professional while her husband was a team leader in a company. The area outside the railway station where this brutal murder occured is quite a busy precinct where autos n rickshaw stand exists.

There is always rush of people at the stand. The deceased was to hire the rickshaw from here. It is believed that the culprit knew about her daily routine and was clandestinely waiting for her to emerge out of the railway station. When Priyanka Rawat arrived the killer came from the back and slit her throat leaving her to die helplessly crying in acute pain and nobody in the area coming to her rescue.

Had anyone come to her rescue not only would had she been hospitalised timely n her life saved but the accused could have also been caught said the RPF police personal. According to the local police the murder seemed to be planned and mysterious. While the local police is investigating the case from all angles sources reveal that the husband of the deceased is also being interrogated. However, the culprit is still at large. An FIR No 431 has been lodged in Khandeshwar Police station.

According to the relatives of the deceased the family of thr deceased are quite gentle and everything was going well in the family. Good number of inhabitants living in Mumbai went to the police station urging them to expedite the investigations to bring the accused to justice at the earliest.

The families of the deceased and her in laws including husband are in shock n trauma and badly horrified after this brutal tragedy.

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