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Cases and lawsuitsDelhi newsUttrakhand

Dhruv Joshi of Gram Panchayat Chaani, Patti Baasar, Tehsil Baal Ganga Tehri Garhwal is the advocate in record in SC

Though there is no dearth of advocates in various courts of India but Dhruv Joshi of Tehri Garhwal has achieved success in becoming the Advocate on Record in Supreme Court of India after qualifying the exam in his first attempt. In this examination only two opportunities are accorded and usually passing this exam in two attempts is not an easy task. To appear in this complex exams one has to have a five years experience and one year working experience as an advocate under the guidance of the Advocate in record in Supreme Court. This exam of the Supreme Court is held during the summer vacations for four days and the written examination is held for four hours daily which includes the legal procedures and practice in Supreme Court, the legal analysis of various significant decisions, dexterity in drafting of petitions and testing of the advocates’ capacity to questions pertaining to the legal code of conduct etc. the question paper is prepared by the senior most advocates of supreme court for the exams of AOR . Dhruv Joshi is associated with the legal profession for the last nine years . He office is situated in Nizamuddin east the first and foremost condition of having an office within the range of 16 kilometres from Supreme Court. After seeking law degree from Pune, Maharashtra Dhruv Joshi had been quite studious in studies since his school and college days. He got DAAD scholarship for education in Germany where he studied the laws of different countries of the globe. Thereafter he sought coaching in India in with leading lawyers finally becoming the AOR.

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