After the hectic political drama in Mumbai, with the ruling MVA’s minister urban Development, a Shiv Sainik Eknath Shinde revolting against his own CM Udhav Thakre, claiming his camp to be the real Shiv Sena comprising of around 39 rebels, with Thakrey left with only 13 lawmakers of SS, the curtain has finally fallen down with the former BJP CM Devendra Fadnavis giving up and Eknath Shinde being sworn in as new CM of Maharashtra, probably at 7.30 PM along. The former CM Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis has given up his chance opening way for rebel Shiv Sena leader who was earlier being speculated as the next deputy CM. Fadnavis declared the name of Eknath Shinde as the next VM of Maharashtra. There are reports that Fadnavis will not become minister in Shinde’s cabinet. Eknath Shinde n Fadnavis had also met the Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari at Mumbai Raj Bhawan and handed the list of about 170 lawmakers supporting him and BJP to form the new government. According to sources after arriving at Mumbai from Goa where all the rebel lawmakers are in a five star hotel amid tight security, Eknath Shinde has met the BJP leader n former CM Devendra Fadnavis and submitted his list of lawmakers to be included in a new council of ministers. He has given his consent to Fadnavis to form the government in Maharashtra. But all of a sudden his luck changed as he has been named as the next CM of the BJP, Shiv Sena and independent MLAs combine, miraculously rewarded for changing sides and dethroning the former CM Udhav Thakrey. The former MVA CM Udhav Thakre had resigned yesterday night after meeting the governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari and submitted his resignation. The BJP’s confidence was generated to form the government after the supreme court accepted the order of Maharashtra governor to arrange floor test in the assembly. However, the governor later on postponed his earlier decision. The outgoing CM Thakrey had approached the supreme court but his request was turned down upholding the order of Maharashtra governor for floor test as requested by the BJP leader n former CM Devendra Fadnavis. There are clear cut indications that feeling convinced after seeing the list of the support of signed letter of 170 MLAs which included the lawmakers of BJP, independents and rebel Shiv Sena MLAs, the Maharashtra governor has invited Devendra Fadnavis and Eknath Shinde for oath as CM n deputy CM. However, things changed and the name of Eknath Shinde was chosen as the next of Maharashtra with Fadnavis compromising. According to the visuals being telecast the rebel Shiv Sena MLAs after hearing the news of their leader Eknath Shinde likely to be sworn in as CM, started dancing on the tables at Goa hotel where they are staying at present and also burning crackers in jubilation. In his first tweet after his name came up for the next CM of Maharashtra, Eknath Shinde thanked the prime minister Narendra Modi, home minister Amit Shah, BJP chief J. P. Nadda and former Maha CM Devendra Fadnavis for elevating him to the post of CM.
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