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Delhi news

Delhi minister Atishi on 4 th day of indefinite hunger strike with her BP down and Ketone level increasing ! Says will continue with her fast until Delhi gets its due water share of 56 crore litres of water daily

The Delhi’s cabinet minister, also incharge of Delhi’s water department – Delhi Jail Board Atishi Bharadwaj is on the fourth day indefinite hunger strike at Jangpura Bhogal in the midst of scorching heat demanding adequate water share to Delhites from the Haryana government ruled by the BJP which has blocked 56 crores litres of water everyday affecting about 28 lakh Delhites in the ongoing scorching heat waves.

After being checked by the medical doctors on Sunday, the doctors have reported that Atishi is losing her weight, health and the BP going down considerably including the Ketone level increasing that may adversely affect her kidneys and other vital parts of the body if the hunger strike is continued further.

The Blood pressure of Atishi was reported to have gone down to 56 yesterday with Ketone level also going up considerably that may adversely impact her kidneys and other vital parts.

In a video posted on her social media handle X with an earthen pot and a picture of Mahatma Gandhi in the background determined Atishi said that she would continue her indefinite hunger strike come what may unless the Delhites are supplied their adequate water share by the Haryana government saying that in this scorching heat waves the Haryana government has deliberately stopped 100 MGD of water share of Delhi, parching the throats of over 28 lakhs Delhites daily as it amounts to 56 crore litres of less water share due for the citizens of national capital adding that the doctors monitoring her BP and other health parameters have unambiguously warned her of her deteriorating health with body weight reducing considerably and ketone level increasing likely to adversely affect her kidneys and other vital parts.

But she said she won’t care about her deteriorating health condition and would continue to undertake the indefinite hunger strike till the Haryana government releases the Delhi water share by opening the Hathnikund barrage.

Meanwhile on Sunday a delegation of Delhi MPs Rajya Sabha Sanjay Singh, Mr. Gupta , minister Saurabh Bharadwaj , MLAs etc met the Lt Governor of Delhi urging him to intervened in the Delhi water crisis situation and ensure that he and the central government uses its good offices to pressurise Haryana Government to deliver the Delhi’s water share to Delhi people at the earliest with the LG assuring to get the needful done on extreme humanitarian grounds.

Meanwhile, the incarcerated Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival has approached the Supreme Court through his senior counsel Abhishek Manu Singhvi against the decision of Delhi High Court keeping the bail reserve for three days granted earlier by the Rouse Avenue Delhi Sessions Court.

It may be recalled that the Delhi AAP government and its leaders are at loggerheads with the BJP led central government on several issues and the ongoing water scarcity issue is one of them with hundreds of BJP activists and leaders also accusing n protesting against the Delhi government for acute water crisis leading to Delhi populace suffering badly during the ongoing scorching summers. Meanwhile, the renowned CPI leader Suhashini Ali had also joined the Pani satyagraha of Atishi yesterday expressing her solidarity to her relentless struggle.

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