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Delhi government sanctions Rs one crore each to six bravehearts who made supreme sacrifices in the service of the nation

In order to heartily honour the supreme sacrifices of our brave soldiers of defence forces in the service of the nation protecting us from our enemies from within and outside, the Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival has sanctioned Rs one crore to each of the brave jawans n officers of our defence forces who’ve sacrificed their precious lives while relentlessly fighting our enemies tooth and nail. The deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia made this announcement today in a press conference on behalf of the Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival. While saluting these courageous martyrs of Delhi police and Air force for their supreme sacrifice while in the service of the state and nation Manish Sisodia said that though we can’t compensate the supreme sacrifices of these brave police, civil defence and Air force personnel in any form and ways but this small financial compensation of Rs one crore each will definitely extend some help to the bereaved families. In a tweet Arvind Kejrival wrote I salute the bravehearts for giving supreme sacrifice while protecting the nation from the external and internal dangers. The Delhi government will give the honour money of Rs. One crore each to the bereaved families of these bravehearts. We want to say to these families that the entire nation stands with them unitedly, n is proud of your son’s n daughters tweeted Arvind Kejrival.

Delhi’s deputy CM Manish Kumar said that the entire country is indebted to these bravehearts and their obligation to the nation cannot be fulfilled ever. The six martyrs honoured with “Samman Rashi” honour money are : Rajesh Kumar, Suneeti Mohanty and Meet Kumar from Indian Air Force, Sanket Kaushik, Vikas Kumar from Delhi police and Pravesh Kumar from civil defence. The Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival will personally meet the bereaved families to convey his respects n tributes including handing over the cheques of Rs one crore each. The unanimous decision was taken today at the menisterial meeting chaired by the Delhi CM. It may be recalled that in the past too the Delhi govt had given Rs one crore each to an ex servicemen, Delhi police personnel, doctors and sanitary employees etc who had succumbed to dreaded Covid 19 while on duty during the challenging Covid times performing their respective duties.

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