Coincidence that both stalwarts of their respective fields H. N. Bahuguna and Rajesh Khanna lived in the same Bungalow with whom I was in close proximity and it was 81 Lodhi Estate

Though my entire life was dedicated to social life and politics I joined journalism later on.
During my journey of the last four decades while I had been in close proximity to several leaders and personalities from time to time but frankly speaking political stalwart H. N. Bahuguna and the first and originial super star and Member of Parliament, Rajesh Khanna with whom my association as a youth leader n press advisor existed for long, impressed me the most, the fact being that both of them were the unparalleled kings in their own fields and maintained dignity, principles and professional reputation to the extent possible as far as my personal opinion and thinking goes.

While on the one hand Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna was several times central minister with late Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai and Choudhary Charan Singh as prime ministers including a most successful UP CM in 1974, later on challenging former PM Indira Gandhi and joining Janata Party influenced by Jai Prakash Narayan’s total revolution opposing draconian emergency , on whose head living or dead a prize of Rs 10 thousand was fixed by Britishers to catch him in Alahabad on the other hand first and original Superstar Rajesh Khanna acted in about 225 films and literally ruled the hearts of millions n millions of his fans and admirers all over the globe by his mesmerising histrionics, being the first and original superstar.
My heartfelt richest tributes.
And what’s a coincidence about these leaders (who are not with us physically) is that both of them had the same bungalows while they were member of Paliament where I experienced several interesting things on various occasions and the address of the officially allotted bungalow was 81 Lodhi estate, New Delhi.
Lots of my friends may agree or not, but according to my personal opinion and experience gathered during my prolonged association with both these legends of Indian politics and Bollywood, who officially stayed in the same Bungalow 81 Lodhi Estate, I would not hesitate to say that both of them have carved a niche for themselves after long relentless struggles and hard work and became immortal by selflessly working and serving one and all for the good of the society and people through out their lives, in their respective fields of politics n films ( entertainment) for several decades.
Bahuguna stayed here in eighties whereas Rajesh Khanna in nineties after being elected as MP from New Delhi.
I also fondly remember that when eminent celebrity of Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan had contested from Allahabad against H. N. Bahuguna defeating him, the later had spoken to Kaka, from 81 Lodhi estate during his election, to convince him (Kaka) on phone to come out in his support but Kaka then not being in active politics and Congress minded, perhaps could not make it.
It may be recalled that Amitabh and Rajesh Khanna had professional rivalry those days as the former had surpassed Kaka professionally.
I was very much there with late Bahugunaji in the lawns of 81 Lodhi estate gossiping with this superstar in the presence of the then MP from Tehri Garhwal, Trepan Singh Negi.
I can recall how Bahugunaji’s secretary Rehman came to him saying that the line to Bombay got connected and Rajesh Khanna is on line.
Since those days there were no mobile phones or shifting phones Bahugunaji got up from the lawn to his Secretary’s office and talked to super star Rajesh Khanna.
I could hear the conversation as Bahugunaji’s phone had a long chord of few metres and he was talking to him loudly outside the office carrying the phone receiver, a few metres away.
However, despite all this coincidence of living in a same Bungalow these two stalwarts of their respective fields have different tastes but both fond of wearing white Khadi Kurta Pyjama attire.
While H. N. Bahuguna, lived a modest life though very much fond of wearing pitch white starched chudidaar pyjama, Kurta and Gandhi cap and black polished shoes looking handsome and impressive, Kaka too wore white kurta Pyjama with black half cut shoes through out his life after joining active politics but got the 81 Lodhi Estate renovated from inside getting lavish tiles n marble fitted in rooms n kitchen including constructing two luxurious additional office rooms to give them a decent look with a big Ganesha idol fixed at the side entrance of his bungalow. This bungalow was later on occupied by senior BJP leader Pramod Mahajan,

Working and watching both icons of politics and Bollywood in the same official Bungalow in close proximity for several years was indeed a beautiful experience and again a coincidence that both were in Congress for long time proving to be an asset but later on betrayed just as Bahuguna was sidelined by late PM Indira and Sanjay Gandhi leading to his breakup, Kaka too was sidelined despite extensively campaigning for Congress in various states, not given the Rajya Sabha finally annoying him say reliable sources.
Note : This, piece was earlier written by me for newsviewsnetwork and now re carried in UKnationnews with few genuine additions
Very enthralling article about both Stalwarts HN Bahugunaji n Rajesh Khannaji and their association with 81 Lodhi estate and the timeless memories the bunglow carries.
Indeed its a matter of pride and honor for Sr Journalist Shri Sunil Negi Sir to have worked with these esteemed persons during their peak of their political career.
I wish Sunil Negi Sir All the very best for all his future endeavors and continue to enlighten readers about his personal experiences in political and social life with various leaders and social workersof the past and present
I am so very grateful for u r encouraging comments. God bless u
Sunil Negi