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Delhi news

Delhi CM charges BJP of toppling his government ! Pays tribute at Gandhi Samadhi for the failure of operation Lotus!

The Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal today accused the BJP of trying to destabilise his government by purchasing forty MLAs and allegedly keeping 800 crores ready to implement the operation lotus. Speaking to reporters after meeting the AAP MLAs Delhi CM and national convenor of AAP Arvind Kejrival ridiculed the BJP n its spokesmen for levelling varied statements on debates n protest meetings some saying that the liquor scam is worth Rs 1.5 lakh crores, some saying that it’s 8000 n 11000 crore scam, finally coming down to Rs 144 crore scam and now the CBI has filed the chargesheet terming it a scam of Rs one crore. He said when the AAP leaders question them to explain about the scam, as to what it is the BJP spokespersons and debaters having no knowledge about it have no answers except brow beating. He catagorically said that actually there is no scam but operation lotus of BJP to break and destabilise his democratically elected government allegedly conspiring to give Rs twenty crores to each of the forty MLAs. I want to ask where from these 800 crores have allegedly been collected and whose money is it and where is it kept asked Kejrival to the reporters while answering to their queries. He demanded that this conspiracy to destabilise his government by allegedly offering Rs 20 crores to each of the 40 MLAs should be probed in depth. Meanwhile several MLAs of AAP along with Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival today marched at Rajghat and prayed at the Memorial of Mahatma Gandhi for the failure of operation lotus. This morning about forty MLAs had collected at the residence of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal to devise a strategy to counter the toppling move of the BJP strongly and decisively. About fifty three MLAs had participated in the meeting thereafter. In a tweet Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal wrote : in order to topple the Delhi government they have kept Rs 800 crores @ the rate of Rs 20 crores for each MLA. They want to break 40 lawmakers. The nation wants to know whose 800 crores are these n where are they kept? Not a single MLA of ous is going anywhere. Government is, stable. The good work of the Delhi government will continue tweeted Delhi CM.

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One Comment

  1. Dr Munish Raizada , Mr Paramjeet Katyal and many others have already in the past & present ,exposed this habitual lier Kejriwal.
    Its a waste of time even discussing about this trickster.
    People are tired in mumbai n Gujarat seeing his advertisements every 2 minutes in FM radio channels and local televisions. His greedy eyes are also set upon BMC which have an annual budget of 45,000 crore which is 3 times of Delhi. No wonder this storyteller is eyeing the richest Municipality

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