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Delhi CM assures Delhites says, ” will not let the peoples’ power be taken away, by” through a new Delhi Amendment Act brought by baffled BJP

The national convenor of Aam Admi Party and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival today assured Delhites that the AAM Admi Party and it’s government will continue to fight for their rights till the end and will not allow injustice happen with them.

He catagorically said that the AAP and the Delhi government are fully prepared and determined to do anything for the Delhi citizens, come what may and will not allow the central government to take away the people’s powers.

The Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival was today addressing a massive Dharna cum public protest gathering called by AAM ADMi Party at Jantar Mantar to register their vociferous protest against the central government’s National Capital Territory of Delhi Amendment bill brought by the BJP in the lower house to fully curb the executive power of AAP government by vesting entire political n decision making power in the hands of the LG against the supreme court’s earlier judgement giving an upper hand to the duly elected government of the NCT of Delhi.

Addressing the massive rally, at Jantar Mantar, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejrival while strongly condemning the central government’s decision to bring the NCT amendment Bill arbitrarily, assured the Delhites that his party n government will not let the union government stop the development of Delhi and snatch the political power of a duly elected government.

He said that he n his party government is fully prepared to do anything to ensure that the interests of Delhites are not harmed at any cost, come what may and the Delhi government is ready to fight till the last.

It may be recalled that the union government led by the Bhartiya Janata Party has introduced the Delhi NCT amendment bill in the Lok Sabha which guarantees to rest entire power with the Lt governor of Delhi prohibiting the Delhi’s duly elected government to pass any bill or law unless official permission is sought from the Delhi’s Lt governor.

While opposing the union government’s new bill restricting the Delhi government’s political and administrative powers, Arvind Kejrival had said that the BJP government has been baffled by the ugly defeat faced by the BJP in the recently held by elections in five MCD wards in which it could not win a single seat.

In a tweet Arvind Kejrival had then wrote: After being rejected by the people of Delhi ( 8 seats in Assembly, O seats in MCD bypolls) BJP seeks to drastically curtail powers of the elected government through a bill in Lok Sabha today ( on Monday) . The Bill is contrary to the constitutional tenets further adding (1) For Delhi govt will mean LG, Then what will elected government do ? ( 2) All files will go to the LG. This is against the 4.7.8 constitution bench judgement which said that files will not be sent to LG. Government will take all decisions and send copy of the decision to LG tweeted Arvind Kejrival.

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