Defamation case registered against Rahul Gandhi in Ukhand for his remarks against RSS in Kurukshetra

It seems that legal complications of former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi are not lessening and is being targeted by his opponents off and on. Entire world knows how he has been disqualified from parliament and thereafter eviction notice issued to him, asking to vacate the bungalow of Tuglak lane on 22 nd April to which Rahul has already given a written letter to state authority of parliament doing the needful as asked for. Several cases are still going on against him in ED n IT pertaining to national Herald case n other courts. According to latest news one more case has been fined against former Congressman chief n former MP from Waynad, Kerala Rahul Gandhi in Uttarakhand for his alleged derogatory remarks, against RSS ( Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh). This is a defamation case as was filed in Surat Court earlier. But this time the petitioner is a different person. While in Gujarat Surat Session’s Court case MLA of BJP Purnesh Modi has filed the relationship case for the Congress leader’s derogatory remarks against Modi community but in this case the name of the petitioner is Kamal Bhadoria. According to the petitioner the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had made derogative remarks against Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh on 9 th January, 2023 in Congress rally at Ambala, Kurukshetra. The petitioner said that since RSS is, associated with the sentiments of countrymen the Congress leader’s derogatory remarks had hurt them. The matter of defamation has been taken up in the court of hon’ble judicial magistrate of Hardware District and Sessions Court Shiv Singh and the date of hearing has been fixed for 12 April, 2023.